Darth Weevil

Yeah, the kid's not great, but seriously, if this board is just going to be people bitching about Henry every week, I don't think I'll continue to bother.  There's other interesting stuff going on (like seeing Mr. Gold's shop or the world beneath the mine) and all anyone wants to talk about is how the kid sucks.

My favorite little moment from the episode was seeing the fairytale Gepetto's parent-dolls sitting on the counter in Mr. Gold's shop.  Very creepy reminder that Gold/Rumpelstiltskin is the real power behind things and may be the real big bad.

There was also the "Living Doll" takeoff in one of the early Treehouse of Horrors with the Krusty Doll that was inadvertently set to "Evil".

Both models have historical precedent.

That's not exactly right on the McCarthyism point - the episode was basically making the point "there might be aliens, and they might be trying to mess with us, but we're a lot better if we stick together rather than trying to root out who might be the aliens among us."  Put in political terms, "there definitely are

There's also a male teacher/female student thing developing on Ringer, with SMG's step-daughter trying to woo Logan from Veronica Mars.  That one is interesting because it's pretty clear it's the student who is trying to initiate the whole thing because she's hot for teacher.  Though, admittedly, the teacher is

Well, the situation is going to be entirely different with an antenna now than in the 50s/60s.  Now, all over-the-air broadcasts in the US and most of Canada are all-digital.  If you want to watch with an older analog television, you need a converter box.  All-digital television means you get either an almost perfect

Part of the problem is that we're not watching these on 1950s/60s era televisions using an antenna.  Our reception with HD TVs on DVD (or, hell, netbooks and youtube) is going to be a lot clearer than what someone would have seen back in the day.  There's a lot of artifacts like the blinking that just wasn't edited

I think the closest we've gotten was Mr Gold's question about "which deal".  He definitely seems to know, but it's not clear that she did.  Her response was immediate and was something like "You know which deal I'm talking about," but then he referenced helping her get the son, and she acted as if that's what she had

I'm still upset about Carnivàle, but I can't really put all the blame on HBO.  The show didn't do well enough to merit six seasons, as much as I would have loved to watch them.  But when HBO approached Knauf about scaling back (both on cost per episode and number of seasons), he balked, said it was impossible to do it

Agree - would have loved them to play up the "the witness did it!" thing as a red herring, and then pull in someone else as the culprit (and have it so that the issue really was cross-racial identification).

Up here in Canada, Global is airing it at 10pm on Sundays, so it's up against Pan Am and (for the moment) Breaking Bad.  If I had cable, I could just watch the 9pm airing on CBS, but alas.  Same goes for my current lack of a DVR.  On the bright side, I get Breaking Bad from iTunes and I think CTV will be streaming the

Er, Kyle Reese.

He had a name by the time the first Terminator came out. They originally offered him the Michael Reese part, but he said he wanted to be the Terminator because it seemed like more fun. Which it undoubtedly was.

We rented Rabbit Hole the other night from iTunes and something glitched after we finished watching it. Instead of telling us we had the usual 22 hours remaining (or whatever) with our rental, it decided we had 1,372 days remaining. Since then, we've looked back periodically and it's slowly counting down. So I

No, I'm Dick Darlington.

@ OY - the sad thing about Jekyll & Hyde is that the endless tinkering kept making it worse. The original concept album was really solid and had great flow, but when I saw it performed, it had become unwatchable and had terrible flow.

I'm going to go with Preston Sturges on this one…
Since O Brother Where Art Thou is a reference to Sturges' Sullivan's Travels.

@ Annoyed - The reviews I read didn't say that Bono was there, but the article in Vogue about it was absolutely hilarious (yes, I read the Vogue article on the Spider-Man musical. My wife made me buy it for her the other day). They had Julie Taymor and Bono in the same room, and whenever she would say something like,

So, is lunch included in the Bob Gale experience, or do you have to drop another c note on that?