Darth Weevil

While I'm sure they could blow $50 mil on large set pieces if they really wanted, that's far from necessary. It wasn't that long ago that big budget action flicks could be done for $50 mil and look great. So this is a combination of (a) huge, unjustified salaries to the stars and (b) complete incompetence on the

Maybe he survived, but can't imagine he didn't break his back. Maybe he and Tio can get matching wheelchairs.

Yeah, it was cool that the bullet that killed him was the bullet he'd gotten free with purchase with his kevlar vest. And it made sense that (a) he would toss it into the same pocket where he kept his spare clips and (b) it was pulled out of said pocket without him noticing when he grabbed his spare clip.

On the peeing thing, I think he said that it tends to be women from warm climates who like to be peed on, but that he would have expected it to be women from cold climates. Or something like that.

@explosivo - I'm not sure the cartel will think he did them a favor. It was Salamanca cartel policy not to go after the DEA because it invited down too much shit. Fring bent that rule for them (justified by claiming the land north of the border was his territory) in order to save his darling cook. If Fring had just

Ooh, ooh! What is Mike is not just a former cop, but a former DEA agent? Someone that Hank might actually have known?

@lexicondevil - I half expected the cousin's slap to set off Tio's stroke.

I'm also betting on Mike, on instructions from Fring. Way I see it happening, Fring calls Mike and tells him something like, "The Salamanca cousins are going to go after Hank Schraeder. Keep an eye on them/him and let me know when they are about to do it." Mike then calls Fring, who tells him to call Hank to warn

This is a pretty common flaw across all adventure fiction. Even Magneto, who is seen as one of the most complicated comic book villains, started an organization called the Brother of Evil Mutants. No way in hell does a guy like Magneto, who legitimately believes mutants are the future, etc., think he's evil. But

Binary solo!

I want to say the thing with the soggies happened in the 80s, not the 90s, as it was definitely when I was still watching Saturday morning cartoons. Though, for all I know, they've run the same "OMG - the Cap'n's been kidnapped!" commercials once a decade since the 60s.

Don't quite remember, but think my band title was something like "British Politics in the 1790s."

Nah, the Nirvana backlash is about the way the band was idealized after Cobain's death. They were pretty damn good, but after Cobain died, they were suddenly THE. BEST. BAND. OF. THE. 90s. There was a lot of great stuff that came out of the decade, even out of the early alternative movement. Had Cobain lived, we

I, too, don't get the full on hate for Courtney Love. I get people not liking her music or her personally, but there's a level of hate involved here that goes beyond the reasonable. For instance, it's reasonable to completely despise the assholes from Limp Bizkit or Creed for ruining the music that got radio play

I really wish they had used something other than "Beautiful" - from like five minutes into the episode, I had pegged them as ending it with that song and would have been so happy to have been surprised by them using something else instead. Not something as random as "Watching the Detectives," but I feel like there's

I, too, got the "heebie-jeebies" from the original (on DVD). The worst part was that it was the middle of the summer and the AC in our townhouse wasn't doing a good job of cooling the upstairs, so my wife and I fell asleep on the futon in the living room. I woke up in the middle of the night with the TV still on and

I was going to say the same thing. I initially wanted to ask why they hadn't asked him about Zodiac or Carnivale or the Drew Carrey Show, then thought, "maybe that's actually someone else entirely…" So I looked on IMDB and lo, it was.

SpindleFiend, I believe it's more or less based on the Bobby Fisher expo matches from the 70s - if I recall, the main characters are just "The American" and "The Russian" in order to make it more clear that they are playing types rather than real characters of their own (and to avoid the American being named something

Chess: The Movie. It will be about the courtly intrigue of two warring states, where the kings (played by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon) are constantly being outmaneouvered by the clergy, knights, and queens that surround them. Rowan Atkinson will play one of the bishops, along with the guy who played the Impressive

Assless - I got the impression from the brief snippets from next week that Hank was going to "confront" Jesse (i.e., violently assault him without cause), then Jesse would press charges against Hank to force him to back off. There was a tiny shot of Hank being reprimanded by his DEA superiors or something.