Darth Weevil

I have a feeling we're going to see some epic showdown, where Hank can take out one cousin, but the other is guaranteed to get him (maybe by sneaking up like last night's ep), and then Walt comes out of the shadows (metaphorically) to save Hank at the last minute. Walt then basically outs himself to Hank, but Hank

I think Walt just got momentarily distracted and didn't think about Badger calling Jesse. A brief moment of stupidity, but he had a lot on his mind.

Not as hard as you would think - the number of initial tracks and the number of speakers it's output to after mixing aren't directly related (though if you have fewer than 4 tracks in the original, your output will be pretty limited). For instance, the front center speaker is usually just a mix of the front left and

If Walt was caught while on payroll, it could all be tied together much easier than if he was off the books. Better to keep payments to him in cash and let Walt worry about laundering the money.

The industrial drier that moved away to allow acess to the stairs was truly badass.

There's a great line in the movie version of "The Prestige," where Angier says something along the lines of "Every night I wondered whether I would end up being the man in the tank or the man up on the balcony." The irony is that by simple physics, the original always ends up being the one in the tank, but because of

See also "The Prestige."

Plus, don't forget Spaceballs, where President Scroob's head was put on backwords during a transporter fuckup….

Every time Handlen mistyped Wesley's name as "Welsey," I thought of "Welshy" from Futurama.

There's a few decent eps from the 80s revival, but there's also some pure dreck, like the one where the secretary uses the magic photocopier to enter a world where secretaries are the bee's knees and everyone wants to be a secretary. It's not even just the lame plot, it's the terrible acting, the awful set design,

Most of the first three seasons are on CBS.com:

I think the deal with Punchout was that they only had a deal with Tyson for like two years or something, so when it expired, they had to replace his name/image with someone else unless they wanted to pay him more.

Can I also point out that Caplan played a disco queen in Freaks & Geeks?

I'm pretty sure the point at which I tuned out of pop music was somewhere between volume 4 and volume 5. There's a lot of crap on 4 that I didn't listen to at the time and barely remember now, but there's only like five tracks on 5 that I can even remember at all.

They really aren't.

I've never gotten the reader rating to work. I've tried it like a dozen or so times and it just doesn't work. I think I've tried in both IE and Firefox and no dice.

When Jesse asked Walt what he was good at, I couldn't help but say, "killing people with ATMs." True, it wasn't actually Jesse, but Walt spread the story for him.

I loved the moment where Mike was just about to tell Walt about the Mexican cousins coming to the house to kill him, but then decided to just say something like, "Maybe you should watch out" or whatever it was. Walt has no idea of what's swirling around him and Mike could so easily tell him, but Walt still probably

I, for one, would welcome a bit more moderation. I'm not saying that things are awful or anything, but every comment thread starting with all the "firsts" and "canceraids" and all that is really tiring. A flat policy of deleting firsts and all posts commenting on firsts would be a huge boon.

I read recently that British sci-fi novelist Christopher Priest ("The Prestige," "Inverted World," "The Affirmation," etc.) wrote a couple of scripts for Dr. Who in the Douglas Adams era, but they were ultimately rejected because they didn't quite fit with the tone/what they were trying to do with the series. I would