Darth Weevil

Might make sense if he was drinking gin and tonics (because of the quinine in tonic water), but not sure straight up booze would prevent tropical diseases on its own.

My main complaint with the first album was that it just wasn't very interesting. I could stand individual tracks, but all together it was just insufferably meh. She's got a killer voice and loads of talent, but I, too, would much rather she put it to use on something with even the teensiest bit of edge. Hell, an

Saw this over the weekend. It is not perfect by any means (it suffers from the same flaws as all biopics), but it is generally entertaining. Probably more of a B, B- minimum. If you like the Runaways or movies about musicians, you will probably like this well enough.

I'm pretty sure that was the longer story he wanted to tell her - that he did it to pay for his treatment and to take care of Skylar and the kids after he died, but she didn't want to listen to his story.

What was so hilarious about the auditorium scene was how outrageously over the top it was. No one there knew anyone who died. A few people had crap land on their lawns and were probably invaded by the FAA for a few days, but it couldn't have been as traumatic as they were making it out. It was like they were

@ blondie_havoc - the only reason I am aware of this movie is because I heard my TV faintly playing Jett's "Crimson and Clover." I looked up from whatever it was I was doing and saw the ad and was like, "Dude, I want to see that." Not because I thought the trailer was awesome or anything. But because they played

It doesn't help that few of us have seen the Honeymooners ep, while *all* of us have seen the Simpsons one. Not that that's Noel's fault. I loved this article, but I get why it might not have connected to everyone.

Agree time has been kind to Seinfeld so far, but I bet lexicondevil is right in the long run - it will be one of those shows that eventually disappears and then we'll hear references to it in the same way you do Mary Tyler Moore or Bob Newhart, but the young TV geeks won't go out of their way to watch it.

Mr. Guy, it isn't that "it's funny as long as it's politically correct." It's that some "humor" that relies on the audience's disdain for others is simply not funny if you don't have that disdain. If you have a bunch of friends who are gay, the stupid over-the-top acting and stereotyping just becomes painful. Not

An episode of Patty Duke would also be appreciated. Though it goes without saying that the old as dirt shows should probably be spread out a bit. So I said it anyway.

Good point, nipples. Though it was early enough in cinematic history that you can understand why they were still using so many theatric conventions. Talkies had existed for only about 10 years, the cinematic style of silent films was even more over the top than theater, it was set in a fantastical world in an age

I have never really cared for Wizard of Oz either, though I've considered checking it out again at some point. My complaints are mostly about the dragging plot and the hammy overacting, but the set design is truly awesome. I've also been more impressed with it since I learned that the B&W shots were originally in

I also enjoyed it - after the clip, I had something of an idea of what the two things were and how they were different. Usually, that's not at all the case.

Sounds familiar. Found "Master and Commander" in my bag this morning, with a receipt marking where I had stopped at about page 45. I can't even argue I haven't had time to read, since I've read a couple of other books in the meantime. I just didn't get into it.

Know what you mean, Gonzo. I remembered really liking the few episodes of Freaks and Geeks that I had seen during the original run, but the DVD set seemed a little too expensive to buy on a lark. So I eventually rented from Netflix. Having rewatched all the eps, not sure I need to own it (as I'm not sure when I'll

Less than 1/10? No, I wouldn't say that's too much. If you maintain that rate, everything will be fine.

I was kinda meh on Dream of Life, but otherwise agree with staircar that most of her stuff is really great.

My wife started watching it, so I've been watching it along with her. It is far better than I thought it had any right to be, based on the premise. (Though, honestly, my initial complaint was more along the lines of "the producers are putting themselves into a box by focusing the show (through the title) on the

Anyone seen the two Evelyn Waugh movies?
Scoop is one of the funniest novels I've ever read and Handful of Dust is equally awesome. Should I check these out?

Definitely necessary as a palate cleanser - Electro-Shock Blues has so much pain in it that you need something light and wispy to break away from that soul-crushing depression. I think it works wonderfully as both an album and as a follow-up. Though Flyswatter always seems a little too long for me (esp. the live