Darth Weevil

Ugg, Bewitching Pool was pretty awful. And it seemed to be only about 15 minutes of footage, with the first five minutes played again in the middle so that the episode made no fucking sense. Or maybe SciFi mangled it when they cut it down to fit in commercials. I'm not sure which is more likely.

Yeah, Amazon shouldn't have the right to delete it from your device. The rights holder might be able to get a cease and desist order that requires you to delete it (in the same way that you might be ordered to surrender pirated cds, etc.), but Amazon shouldn't be able to delete something that you have purchased from

I think this goes to the fact that society at large thinks people should be paid for what they create, but also wants things that have become part of the cultural heritage to be available to everyone at low cost. The old solution for this - short periods of monopoly profit through copyright - has de facto been

Good call, JP's Lipstick.

Maybe Brisco County, III.

Especially since he said it was a non-final version of the track - I can totally get someone putting a work-in-progress on their iPod to listen to and think about how it could be better.

Haven't seen them live or picked up "Remember" yet, but I really love it when bands mix stuff up when performing live. If I wanted to hear the song exactly like on the cd, I would just listen to the cd. Er, MP3…

Definitely. Heathen and Reality were remarkably solid.

I wore a hat about twice a few years ago. I felt way too self-conscious. Though it was nice the one day when it was snowing.

One Missed Call 4: *69

Doppelgangland (I think…) has one of my favorite Willow lines:
I'm eating this banana, lunchtime be damned.

I've seen the movie a couple of time, but I still always read the title as "Science of Sheep."

I think Jacko sold them to Sony some years back.

So… there's a Krull score album?

Just stay away. There's a good chance you'll recognize that it's crap, but inexplicably want to watch more anyway. Just go watch something else instead.

There's also an in-coffin cremation scene in Scrooged.

I also liked Jedi Knight, back in the day. And X-Wing was pretty solid, too (even if not as advanced as Tie Fighter).

Yeah, I have to agree that Spielberg deserves a lot of the blame, too. The lame aliens plotline has his fingers all over it. Plus, it suffers from the same problem as all late period Spielberg - inability to stick the landing. If he hadn't screwed up the ending so badly, we would probably all be saying, "eh, it was

It's like people thinking it's always snowing in Canada.

Also, like the show as a whole, Wesley doesn't get awesome until after the first season. So, don't judge him by his first Angel appearance as a Rogue Demon Hunter.