Darth Weevil

They sort of dealt with this issue at the beginning of the first season - telling people about vamps, etc., would just get a bunch more people killed, because (a) they wouldn't believe they were actually vamps, etc., and (b) they would fight with the wrong weapons/tactics. As much as guns might work against slayers,


*Continued spoilers*

I always assumed the Watchers' Council really didn't want to leave Britain. Plus, at the rate slayers die, it probably usually works out so that a decent number of the watchers actually get face time with a slayer. If I had to justify it all post facto, I would say it worked out as follows:

Also, an edit button.

Only a total nerd would use a gun. Oh, wait…

Buffy doesn't drive, so there's a decent chance the car bomb would just get Joyce and not Buffy.

Me, too, Hipster. Plus, they've changed the packaging so it's smaller now, which is even more irritating, cause twelve seasons of television takes up a fair bit of shelf space.

Ah, The Zeppo… :)

I'm going with Connor.

Maybe I have to rewatch Helpless - I didn't remember it being that scary. But maybe it's just that it's not really key to the continuing plot, so I haven't thought about it for ages.

@Hipster - by the end, Wesley is just about the most awesome character in the Buffyverse. Like, after the thing with Connor, when he has Justine locked away in the little cupboard until she helps him find Angel… Awesome.

Sorry, La Pipe, didn't mean to take it out on you. I know you weren't saying it was a ripoff or anything.

There are worse episodes. You're probably right that it's the weakest of the ones written by Joss, though.

No offense, La Pipe, but I'm so tired of everything being compared to Harry Potter. It's like when someone recently compared the UK Coupling to Friends and was trying to explain how all of the Coupling characters were just like someone from Friends.

Loved Willow's goat line
I still quote that periodically, though will sometimes interchange other things for goat. It's one of my favorite lines of the series - it's just so silly it works.

When the swine flu thing hit, I was joking I really wanted a Peter Sarsgard SARS Guard to protect me.

Is DVD purgatory like the Disney vault?

In Criterion's defense, they do try to get the rights to a bunch of stuff, but studios usually think they can make more money by releasing whatever themselves in a craptastic edition. That's why a lot of the early Criterion releases have gone out of print - studios refused to renew the license.

Nah, show's decently funny and doesn't get political, so no need to worry about your sexuality or politics.