Darth Weevil

The Diary of Preparation Heche?

I would say the "potentially great Dollhouse". Don't really have the love for it yet. I mean, I've enjoyed a bit of it, but it hasn't remotely hit the heights of other Whedon shows.

This was the second season.

I didn't realize it was the finale until the last minute
And then the end seemed really damned abrupt. Ending on Charlotte reintroducing herself to her mother/aunt worked, but the "and here's what happened to everyone else" was just too rushed. And we didn't reach any sort of conclusion on how Ned and Chuck can

You know, I always felt like the writers missed a huge opportunity to play up that the demon is still in Angel despite the fact that he has a soul. That there is this part of him that constantly wants to just tear people's throats out. And that is always telling him that he is such a nancy boy for having feelings

Yeah, he's got some damn strong powers of his own, so I'm not sure they would have been able to take him down, even if the full strength of the Master…

Yeah, while Season 6 was on, Joss had Angel Season 3 and was prepping Firefly. Simply too much for one person to do and not let crap through. I thought at the time that Firefly would suck because of overreach, but it turned out to be the shit. It's really Buffy that suffered.


Not really a spoiler, but guess I'll put a warning anyway…

So, the original pieces from the game slide into the holes in the board? Rather than the board having its own custom pieces?

I have a copy of Cities and Knights, but have strangely never played it. I picked it up at the same time as Seafarers (which is basically just the original with some added islands off the coast), but then we moved and haven't found another group to play with. Which is kinda sad, cause we used to have a good group

I wouldn't say he sucks, but he's past his prime. Zaniness does not work as well when you are pushing 70.

Suddenly had a flash to the "get out of my parking lot!" "it's the city's parking lot!" scene in Ghost World.

Yeah, I'd buy Stewart. And Stewart v. Conan would make for an interesting late night battle…

Any word on what happens when Letterman eventually retires?
I've enjoyed Craig Ferguson whenever I've watched him, but not sure he would be competitive in the 11:30 slot.

Is Chariots of the Gods the one that inspired Kirby's New Gods? Or am I thinking of something else?

You in Hyde Park, by chance, Bucky?

Otto - 10 or 12 is probably a high estimate. I think most people probably got more like six or seven - the big three networks, PBS, and two or three small indie stations that eventually became Fox, the WB, or UPN affiliates. You might have more in big cities, but by that point you were really hitting diminishing

It's a couple of years old, but I also recommend this clip for evidence of NPH's singing chops:
