Darth Weevil

Maybe it's that I didn't see the original…
But I actually kinda liked this episode. More than Pushing Daisies, actually, which was too cutesy for its own good. Plus, there was the great line about Hermes (something along the line of "Bro's got my back"). That said, I can see how Piven would be awesome in this role

HBO has some pretty good stuff, but I just don't really trust them anymore. They've had a few shows that I've gotten really into that were promptly canceled - Carnivale, especially, comes to mind. I guess they aren't as bad as Fox or anything, but it's irritating when they are (a) a premium channel that I'm paying

Interesting that the company was called Rossum - seems a pretty clear reference to Capek's R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). Think we can expect the dolls to revolt sometime soon?

Damn, Ellie, you made me miss DOC again…

I loved the sea shanty, if only because I've spent way too much time reading about cannibalism at sea.

Episode: Sally Returns (love Jemaine's new apartment)
Song (as a song): Robots
Song (as a video): Carol Brown/Bowie
Moment: "What did her accent sound like?" "It was like an evil version of our accent."

T. Rex. There's only like one album, plus some lame ass covers pretending to be T. Rex. And all I want is Children of the Revolution, so I don't really want to go through the hassle of buying a whole CD.

I remember being freaked out terribly by the Dark Overlord stuff when I was a kid. Not as bad as when my brothers decided to show me C.H.U.D., but pretty badly.

Murder by Death is awesome.

On the Weeds comparison, I would say that Breaking Bad is following a similar model of Walt getting himself in deeper and deeper because it just makes sense this one time, to the point where you expect him to eventually become a kingpin of a major operation or something. Other than that, though, the tones are very

It was like midway between "Where do you go to" and "Piano Man". Definitely elements of both in it.

Okay, here are the real recommendations.

You definitely have to read the full run of Mr. District Attorney.

I think Valiant was a victim of the mid-90s comics crash that nearly killed Marvel.

I did think it was funny when Mel broke into their apartment and they were rooting through her bag for mousse.


Speaking of spellchecking, I'm pretty sure the sign said "New Zeland Town," which I thought was pretty funny. But, yeah - would have been great if they had a whole section of the town dedicated to Hobbit culture or something like that.

May have to do with the fact that a lot of people check AV Club at work, so they might not be as willing to watch video as to read an article.

Watchmen II: Digital Watchmen

Think it would have to be Bowie. Otherwise, it wouldn't really have the same connection.