Darth Weevil

Failed 17thsies.

@ Big Bad - how odd, I was just having a conversation earlier today about the relative merits of The Matrix versus Dark City.

While I think the US series has been hit and miss, I'm still sad about this. It really did have potential, which was made clear about every third episode. I guess I'm not surprised, but I'm irritated that the show will probably end with some crazy cliffhanger and no resolution. Grr.

Agree that Ferguson's show is surprisingly solid and overlooked. If I didn't have to get up in the morning, I would make more of an effort to catch it. 1:30 is a little late for a show to start if I want to get to work at 9:30… And late night TV just doesn't seem like something I should be DVRing. It's like, you

Yeah, it's really sad how edited the American version is. I have been trying to convince a friend for a while that Ramsay isn't that bad a person, that it's mostly the editing making him look like a total jackass. I mean, he's a jackass, but he's a caring jackass. She won't believe me, though.

I've periodically thought about watching some Dr. Who, but I really can't be bothered to catch up to 40 years of continuity. It's like the weekend that I caught an episode of East Enders on PBS and was like, "huh, that's kind of interesting," until I realized it had been on for twenty years.

@ J Goo - I still think the genre is "Superhero Comic Book." Watchmen is distinct in that it is a limited series (instead of an endless run, a la "Amazing Spider-Man" or "Detective Comics"), but there isn't a rule that superhero comics have to be ongoing. Hell, a lot of the stuff Dark Horse puts out is serieses of

Agree - Ted is the weak link on the show. But, strangely, it wouldn't work without him, as it would become too focused on Lilly and Marshall or on Barney. Though I could also see the show being retooled into "The Robin Sparkles News Hour" or something like that.

Maybe there will be some Lost spoilers hidden in those Nash Bridges commentaries…

Yeah, I'm a little surprised this hasn't been released before. Is this maybe a Bluray release or something?

Either "comic" or "graphic novel" works for Watchmen because it was originally issued as 12 individual comic issues. I know why people try to play up the "graphic novel" thing (because they are insecure with saying they read comics), but come on - it's literally a comic book. Quality does not change a work's genre.

mbs - I think Hayley was saying that the people *inside* the Matrix would probably have been happier if they just pretended not to know about the Matrix. Like, the Matrix life was okay, but the life outside the Matrix sucked balls.

I've got the How to Get Ahead in Advertising disc, but not the others. Though I wish they had released it anamorphic…

She also recently placed a McCain/Palin sign over the grave of someone named "Plumber". Sadly, she could not find a "Joe Plumber".

This made me remember a totally random story. My mother and a friend of hers were visiting Paramount Studio and broke onto the Star Trek Voyager set some years back and stole a script and part of an alien makeup/costume piece. They were both like in their 40s. They gave the script to a friend of mine who was a big

Banned - I haven't bothered to read down, but I'm assuming three people have already named their Criterion DVD of Salo. Just cause this forum is filled with those sorts of douchebags.

Or the Solipsist…

The story I've put together with Doyle on Angel was that (1) Joss planned to kill the character from the get go, (2) Doyle became a much more likeable character than expected, but (3) the actor's substance abuse problems made keeping him on a headache, so they just decided to kill him like originally planned.

Ooh, there's an interesting thought - has Alpha figured out imprinting so that he actually created Richard?

@ Oooo - Now I want to reread Kraven's Last Hunt…