Darth Weevil

Yeah, it would be nice to see more of the complete decline of NYC that was happening in the 70s. Like, maybe some references to people moving out of neighborhoods they've lived in their whole lives because crime had gotten so bad. Or even just some muggings on the subway or something.

You know, Ellie, I have a pretty high opinion of Buffy Season 2 as well, but I've got to say that the first half is pretty hit or miss. It's only in the back half that it becomes some of the most awesome television ever produced. It really does make me think that a lot of shows need more time to develop, but sadly

Yeah, if all I wanted was the comments, I would go somewhere else. And actually, if a story has too many comments (like more than 150 or so) I usually wont' read any of them because I just don't have that much time on my hands. I mean, who seriously has the time to read through all 500 comments on something to see

@ Murphy - I don't think it's so much that the audience isn't willing to give the show a break for the first few eps (since the first few eps of most successful shows suck when compared to where they eventually get). It's that no one trusts Fox not to cancel the show before it has a chance to get there. If I had

@ Murphy - I don't think it's so much that the audience isn't willing to give the show a break for the first few eps (since the first few eps of most successful shows suck when compared to where they eventually get). It's that no one trusts Fox not to cancel the show before it has a chance to get there. If I had

Is this lizard god the same as the lizard people that voted for Franken in Minnesota?

You know, the more I think about it, the more certain I am that it would have been a pirate video game.

Both leave you wondering how someone got that high score.

I also expect it to let me down, but I'm also kinda looking forward to it. Though I'm sure after seeing it I will just wish that the show had ended with George, Reggie, and Joy in the graveyard.

@ Fritzy-poo - the premiere is so bad, there are no fans. Fox will receive nothing in protest when the show is cancelled.

Have to agree with the lack of love re: Dollhouse. The premiere was just not good television. Maybe it has potential for something, but at present it just feels like a lame "adventure of the week" sort of thing. I'll give it a chance because I've so enjoyed Joss's other work, but right now wouldn't be too sad if

I could maybe see the award going for big money if it was for Thriller. Not for We Are the World.

Nah, the highest federal bracket is only 35%; Social Security stops taxing at about $100k, state taxes are usually only a few percent, so you would probably get in the $550-600k range, depending on how much your regular income was.

Interesting that there was so little drop for Coraline. My guess is that it's because not as many theaters are showing it. When I went to see it last week, I had to go across town because nowhere near me had the capabilities to do the 3D.

Thanks, Golden Boy! That's exactly what I was thinking of. Surprised it's been a whole nine years, though. Damn, I've been reading the Onion for too long.

Uncola - the different floors comment is pretty much right, at least as to Firefly. Apparently Whedon got a lot of support from the Fox production people, but the network people (who are entirely separate) were basically like, "what is this steaming pile of turd you gave us?" They pretty much hated the show, but the

Odd, Phel, I really like Firefly, but thought Serenity fell a little flat. Not so much because of the action/plot/whatever, but there are a few places where the delivery is off. I still liked the movie, but not as much as I had hoped going in.


I don't have the same level of hate on Dushku that some have, but I definitely saw her as one of the weaker actors on Buffy/Angel. I have to agree with Zack that her presence on this show is not a positive. Anyone else get the feeling Dushku is the homeless man's Jessica Alba?

Yeah, but for all of those categories of people, online makes so much more sense because there isn't a physical magazine that can be found by your dragonlady, etc. Maybe they're selling to people out in the boonies still using dial up.