Darth Weevil

Yeah, a follow through on Marshall not changing the toilet paper would have been nice.

Yeah, I'd say it's pretty credible, at least on the male front. To put it in context, just think about how when women go into the stall, you don't know what they are doing, but when men go into the stall (instead of going up to the urinal), it's obvious what they are doing. Some people (though not all, by far) are

Exactly - there's a place for both sorts of writing and there will naturally be an ebb and flow where the good writers tend toward the one extreme or the other.

Second the recommendation of Wah-Wah. It was pretty solid, even if a little "self-indulgent."

Now that would actually explain a lot about why Heroes has gotten so goddamn awful…

Fair enough, but we might be splitting hairs here. It was a Superman movie. The original was a big special effects extravaganza, it was supposed to bring back superheroes, etc. And this basically killed off the franchise for twenty years. Hell, Batman & Robin only killed off the Batman franchise for like eight

I guess that *could* explain it. But I would have to rewatch the movie (which is so not gonna happen - have successfully avoided it since I saw it on TV a little while after it came out) to verify that Nuclear Man does not at other times use his powers at night.

Humor helps a lot. But the Superman movies haven't really been *that* funny. Sure, there's some humor here and there, but it's not knee slapping funny.

Hate to be geeky enough to know this (and not even like Superman), but since Superman's powers also come from the sun, the whole eclipse thing should not have worked. Lame.

Yeah, I pretty much find Superman boring as well. He's just perfect. Who wants to read a story about something perfect? It's why Dante's Inferno outsells Paradiso like a billion to one.

How is this not a fiasco?
Seriously. I guess maybe if you claimed the producers was so damn awful you couldn't expect anything more from it, but its pedigree really did demand more.

They've established that you don't heal from head wounds, so long as the wounding object is left in the brain. So, I guess we just have to hope no one thinks to remove the bullet from his brain. Or, better yet, someone thinks to cremate his body ASAP. Not sure he could recover from cremation.

Arthur's time travel
It's actually really easily explained - he stole all of Peter's powers a few weeks back. That included Peter's time traveling. So that one's not a plot hole. Now, all of those posthumous issues of 9th Wonders… Gaping plot hole, since we literally saw Isaac hand his last issue to a messenger

Hilarious. I saw the "Marshall and his brothers seriously fought" thing coming, but it never even crossed my mind that they would reuse Murder Train. Classic.

Ooh, so Rene will come back, a la the Kurgan?

I swear I've been to this bar…
Well, at least the bar it was based on. A friend from work was leaving and for some reason we went to the only bar in NYC with a mechanical bull. It was basically as irritating as the place in the episode was, complete with woo girls.


Yeah, but presumably you were able to vote against Stephen Harper.

Text messaging
This ep was definitely an improvement over recent outings, if only because it was able to include a little humor without breaking the mood. I loved Bill's comment about why he hadn't responded to the text ("I hate using the number keys to type.") and the Heroes line was hilarious, if only because it's

I know, I just meant that she's already serving the "you should make your life here in 1973" role. Though, yeah, he really does keep managing to embarrass the hell out of her.