Darth Weevil

Though, honestly, Annie seems to serve that role already.

I kinda hope that we're all wrong with Windy, if only because she doesn't seem that interesting a character to be wholly in Sam's mind (you know what I mean… to be separate from everyone else in Sam's mind). If they take her down a seriously dark path once Sam realizes it, it could work, though. Like, if all of the

I assumed he couldn't eat meat because of the revivification thing. Plants aren't too big an issue, but revived meat would be seriously gross.

I was also wondering if we had seen the ex before. And was it ever mentioned before tonight that she was not divorced? We definitely needed at least one ep to establish that the wedding was going to take place and then the wedding in a separate ep. There was just too much going on tonight.

So where was Ted's family?
If it was really his wedding, shouldn't his family have been there? I know it was last minute and all, but there's no way his parents wouldn't have flown out. Also, I would have expected to see some of the supporting players (e.g., would have been awesome to see Ranjit). It's one of those

Exorcism Loan
While the thought the scene as a whole was painful, I thought there was one bright moment in it when Tara's mom accused the loan officer of not giving her her exorcism loan because he was racist. The utter ridiculousness of it was laugh out loud funny. But then they went and ruined the joke by dragging

The essential Coetzee would be "Waiting for the Barbarians," "The Life and Times of Michael K.," and "Disgrace." "Elizabeth Costello" and "Slow Man" are also both interesting (and go together). And, if you are a fan of Russian lit, "The Master of Petersburg" is good, but I remember it taking me a few reads to get

There was a class on adaptations that I wanted to take in college but never got around to. They would read a classic novel along with a contemporary (or at least later) reinterpretation of it. I remember Robinson Crusoe and Foe being on the reading list, but can't remember anything else.

The impact of June being shot and turning out to be in on the whole thing would have been a lot greater had we seen her before this episode. Even if they had done a quick fifteen second scene last week to set her up, it would have made it feel like she was really a part of the precinct instead of a guest star.

As we learned last season, they like keeping potentially deadly shit around to serve as plot points.

Super Hearing
Someone was saying a couple of weeks ago on this board that Sylar had lost all of his powers except his crazy clock schtick and his telekinesis. Not sure why he would keep the telekinesis but lose everything else, but it was apparently all explained during the Claire mindrape scene - I think I was

At least they haven't bothered with the New Orleans plot line yet this season. I don't count the one scene with Micah.

At least they haven't bothered with the New Orleans plot line yet this season. I don't count the one scene with Micah.

The nightgown was *lame*. I laughed out loud and thought, "is she seriously running through a cemetery at night in a nightgown?

Everyone's story is different, so we don't know what really happened.

I loved the line in the record store scene about sound quality of MP3s versus records.

I thought this was more B territory
Having suffered through the debate the other night, their ability to wring any humor whatsoever from it was worth at least a B. The inability of either of them to finish a question before Brokaw cut them off was kinda funny, as was Obama's answer about Ayers (something to the

Was decent, but I doubt I would make a point of watching it if weren't between two other shows I was watching. Or if there was something else decent on TV…

The way he just dumped her lunch into the trash was also pretty hilarious. You could see in her face that even if they went out, she would still want to save it for the next day. Classic.

Masterplan is solid. But it's all stuff from the DM and MG periods, so it doesn't really count as late period Oasis. I have always been sad that it did not include Round Are Way, though.