Jeremy G.

Ow. That hurts.

Barry kind of rubs me the wrong way, I'll agree. But this episode isn't one of my least favorites. (That title goes to "Carded and Discarded".) I like the way Neal channels his emotions through Morty, since the humor surrounding the situation makes it all the more disparate. And when he breaks down at the end of the

I find it a little odd that they're watching an episode with Kate Jackson in it, seeing as she left the show in 1979.

"Because he loves Bill's mother." That's exactly right. But Fredricks doesn't care much for Bill himself. In "The Diary", he constantly puts down Bill as a means of making himself look superior.

I think the connection between "Dead Dogs" and "Gym Teachers" involves both Bill and Millie being coerced into friendships with people they've up till now been very reprehensive of.

"Do we understand each other?"
"As much as that's possible."

Fun Fact: Claudia Christian (Bill's mom)'s autobiography is called "My Life with Geeks and Freaks".

I think she's a hockey player now.


I seriously wish the garage door scene was the final scene of the episode. One of the most powerful and understated moments of the series would have made for one of the most powerful and understated endings. Nothing especially the laser-light show ending, but I wish the two scenes had been switched.

The Geeks' storyline isn't as profound as the Freaks', but it does a good job of deepening Bill as a character, as well as his relationship with Fredricks.
I like comparing the scene where Bill says "I might be good!" to the scene from "Tricks and Treats" where Alan and the bullies demand the geeks' candy, and Bill


"You are a dimwit. And an imbecile. I blow my nose in your general direction."

I know the feeling. Although personally, my life is more like Lindsay's.

Ha! You just made me spit Diet Pepsi all over my Hewlett-Packard laptop. Fortunately, I can just wipe it off with some Kleenex!

I like this episode. The comedy is top-notch, and it's got some of the show's most quotable lines. But it's actually my least favorite episode in the series. I explained my reasons here: