
Nick and Juliette have yet to have a hot and heavy sex scene either. I'm not "shipping" anybody here, believe me. The entire show is pretty much devoid of sexual tension/chemistry.

Nick and Juliette have yet to have a hot and heavy sex scene either. I'm not "shipping" anybody here, believe me. The entire show is pretty much devoid of sexual tension/chemistry.

For those of you who hate the Juliette-Renard story (myself included), I just read

For those of you who hate the Juliette-Renard story (myself included), I just read

I will if Walter, Peter, Olivia, and Astrid wind up at black-tie affair dressed in plebian attire.

I will if Walter, Peter, Olivia, and Astrid wind up at black-tie affair dressed in plebian attire.

The Breaking Bad series finale is on sometime in September 2013. Sooooo, a long time from now.

The Breaking Bad series finale is on sometime in September 2013. Sooooo, a long time from now.

they need to do way instain mother who kill their babbys, because these babby turn zombie and frigth back?

they need to do way instain mother who kill their babbys, because these babby turn zombie and frigth back?

Lena Dunham? She's not a teenager, but neither was the entire cast of the original 90210.

Lena Dunham? She's not a teenager, but neither was the entire cast of the original 90210.

When I see pictures like the one from the link below, I come to the conclusion that those who claim that Lena gets mocked unfairly are full of shit. Regardless of body type, people are expected to wear pants out in public, for fuck's sake, particularly at a high-profile fundraising event. It's the norm in America, at

When I see pictures like the one from the link below, I come to the conclusion that those who claim that Lena gets mocked unfairly are full of shit. Regardless of body type, people are expected to wear pants out in public, for fuck's sake, particularly at a high-profile fundraising event. It's the norm in America, at

@Scrawler2:disqus There was a Farmer Smurf??!!?? Get out. I have absolutely no memory of him and I watched that show like it was my job when I was a kid.

@Scrawler2:disqus There was a Farmer Smurf??!!?? Get out. I have absolutely no memory of him and I watched that show like it was my job when I was a kid.

@avclub-fb3deea8bff8902a6a092a4b532b4a68:disqus , no no no no, it's virtual blasphemy to say that American Horror Story is in any way similar to Heroes-post-season-1.  That's like claiming that there are similarities between Mad Men and… this show.

@avclub-fb3deea8bff8902a6a092a4b532b4a68:disqus , no no no no, it's virtual blasphemy to say that American Horror Story is in any way similar to Heroes-post-season-1.  That's like claiming that there are similarities between Mad Men and… this show.

@avclub-5470317571e6488699c5096861915107:disqus @Scrawler2:disqus 
My theory is that Monsigneur = Bloody Face.

@avclub-5470317571e6488699c5096861915107:disqus @Scrawler2:disqus 
My theory is that Monsigneur = Bloody Face.