uosdwiS r jewoH

-I'm looking for something that says "daddy likes leather."
—You mean like a leather daddy?
-Is there such a thing?

The best part of "Intuition" is that the song (especially the video) that attacked commercialism and denigrated female pop stars who star in commercials and sell their catalog to major corporations just to hock products.

My lab work is in sleep research…mostly because I checked the wrong box on a form once.

This is really remarkable. Here we have a man with an obvious eating disorder, and a woman with a bizarre hairstyle…I'm sure only worn for shock value. Yet they've managed to raise an emotionally healthy son. Fantastic.

The Brad Goodman…Something-or-Other

It might sound like Jonathan Coulton's cover…I'm trying to replace his voice with Stipe's in my head…

As a side note, my wife doesn't see the big deal about Kohoutek. For some reason her favorite R.E.M. song is Imitation of Life.

Dirty Souf
As a Yankee who has never been further south than Tennessee, the IRS-era albums, but most especially this one, have always evoked feelings of the rural parts of the southern U.S. in me. Anytime I drop the needle on one those albums, I can see waving fields of beige wheat stalks and barely-paved country

@Shane Danielsen

Yes, yes yes…goddamn how I love Kohoutek. I used to have fights in my own mind about what was the best song on Fables; Green Grow the Rushes, Kohoutek or Feeling Gravitys Pull. Kohoutek finally won.

I think I might be tied with The Simpsons and Star Trek (caveat—all incarnations). I've watched Star Trek a hell of a lot longer than I've watched the Simpsons (three years old and seven years old are the start times, respectively), but there was a time in my high school/early college years where our cable provider

Lindsay, I'm your doctor and I'm your friend. Get back your career. Get it back before you turn into part of a collection of flops on an Internet pop culture website. Before you really do grow old.

Leo was going to be Standartenfuehrer Hans Landa until Tarantino mercifully realized that is the worst idea in the world.



I'm allergic to bee stings sir. They cause me to…um…die.
-But we're running out of forward momentum!
Perhaps you could pedal for just a little while, sir?
-Quite impossible. I can try to bat him off if you like.
No, that's quite—-GAH!
-Holy cats, man! We're starting to wobble!

The episode was so nice I said it twice.

Blink of an Eye
For another episode with a kinda-sorta same basic premise as "Wink of an Eye" (planet of people moving faster than the universe around them), check out the excellent "Blink of an Eye" from Voyager's sixth season.

Blink of an Eye
For another episode with a kinda-sorta same basic premise as "Wink of an Eye" (planet of people moving faster than the universe around them), check out the excellent "Blink of an Eye" from Voyager's sixth season.