
Lisa needs braces


Ricki Lake, also alive and well.

I remember when "VJ" was heaped with the same levels of scorn that this "TJ" is today.

Just because the song got overplayed, doesn't make it a bad song.

Die, bad robots, die!

To its credit, There Will Be Blood's shit got blowed up awesomely.

Anyone like to buy a subscription to Grit? I need a new bicycle and fuck if I'm selling seeds again.

Brain go in box now.

Probably a good idea to set up a manual recording. I'm sure the game will show up in the listings for that day regardless of whether it's played.

I've come back from shows with bags of pasta, hand lotion, detergent…just all sorts of stuff.

And this ham gum is all bones!

Voltron died on the way back to his home planet.

1) This is a new glass. There's a video on Apple's site where the surface piece gets bent like a Pringle.

The article also thinks that the current iPhone has a 5MP camera, but that's ok. I don't go to tech blogs for withering FlashForward writeups either. ; )

The phone-calling part of my phone is atrophying from lack of use. By fall, I think I'll have it amputated.

I've got an ancient brick iPod (well, a three year-old classic) because of the storage capacity and it's better in the car.

Bad dog! Bad, bad dog!

Stay through the credits for Digital Dog Dong Artist.