
Years is right. I think "Star Trek: The Motionless Picture" got hung on that one the day of its release in 79.


What's the take by things that are blue?

I have to admit that "won't last long" was also my first reaction after the premiere.

Ask the annoying woman Friday morning. It'll be a good opportunity for the two of you to start a dialogue.

Joe and Alice exchanging love and kisses is gay?

Voice-mail E-mail All connected
Caller ID Friend Detecting
Failed Firstie firsties failing
Ortho-Athiest penis-punching

That's ok, because they really should be.

I thought last week's was going to suck out loud based upon the preview, so I'm willing to give next week's the benefit of the doubt.

Now I have Masters of Reality stuck in my head.

How is this "backfiring", exactly?

Thanks to Douglas Adams, I know that "Journey of the Sorcerer" is the best thing The Eagles ever did.

Is American Tail brilliant? I may have to give it another chance. I admit to never having seen the entire thing — I just have a hard time getting over its Bluthiness.


Apparently "frack" was the spelling in the original series, so shuffle successes and failures accordingly.

And then Spock turns up in a body bag.

More music for me, then.


This is why I keep my crisis inducer set to mark nine.

Well, mankind wasn't due to come up with crucifixion for another 147,990 years or so.