
In Stereo
Someday, recordings of TV shows that include the network's "HD" bug in the corner will be as laughable as the "In Stereo (where available)" graphics are today.

That's right! It went from being a modern-day conspiracy to some war-ravaged future with the last remnants of humanity… keeping just enough of the first season's cast around to make it weird.

Large Coke Zero, medium popcorn. After, waited until getting home.

The ticket-ripper at the theater I was at said "Enjoy your three hours" to everyone as they went by.

I didn't notice any walkouts for a Sunday evening show, also in Nerd Central, but I wasn't watching the crowd too closely (which was one of the most cell phone-less ones I've been in for a while).

With Jeremy Irons as the top hat.

Will there be Jell-O?

I thought it was a cogent plot summary. Your zinger brings me pain, internet stranger.

The leader of the Neutral Planet, when they're under attack:

"I am the greetest! Now I am leaving Earth forever, for no raisin!"

Swatchmen opens Friday at @166.

Yeah, and then there was Hayley getting all strident about a law she didn't agree with and Stan saying it was a law and had to be followed unconditionally and then a new law was passed that Stan didn't agree with so he broke it and something bad happened and he learned a lesson but probably not really and there was

I'm not getting the reviews either. Simpsons provoked actual, audible laughter at least three times. American Dad had me wondering why I bother. Of course, I'm still waiting for Klaus to be flushed permanently, so that doesn't help.

It's almost as if the actives receive different personalities from week to week.

Now for the story behind How To Fail A First Semester Video Editing Class.

End of line.

@Liam Yeah, I thought this had been around a while. I did mine last March.

When life hands you Lemmon's clenched naked asscheeks…

Comment needs more "really."

While not remember any details of the movie, I distinctly recall renting it once. It was on VHS. Kindly, I did rewind. Good times.