
Halloween II
Halloween III
Halloween IV

I have always had an intense love of Halloween II.  Granted that's mostly due to it's infinite amount of plays on late night USA Network when I was growing up, but there are little details in that film that get me every time.  My favorite being the kid who ate a piece of candy with a razor blade in it.  Whole little

I have always had an intense love of Halloween II.  Granted that's mostly due to it's infinite amount of plays on late night USA Network when I was growing up, but there are little details in that film that get me every time.  My favorite being the kid who ate a piece of candy with a razor blade in it.  Whole little



No one deserves it more than her

No one deserves it more than her

Or, to extend that argument, it would be like TMBG paying the Village Voice's staff to sing back-up but not Av Club's.  I think you'd find yourself feeling a bit exploited by them then.

Or, to extend that argument, it would be like TMBG paying the Village Voice's staff to sing back-up but not Av Club's.  I think you'd find yourself feeling a bit exploited by them then.

An thus begins and ends the most interesting thing Billy Joe Armstrong has ever done

An thus begins and ends the most interesting thing Billy Joe Armstrong has ever done

The celebrity interviews are always about 3 minutes long.  Which is kind of pointless, I think.  By the time the pleasantries are over the guest usually gets a couple thoughts out before the segment is over.

The celebrity interviews are always about 3 minutes long.  Which is kind of pointless, I think.  By the time the pleasantries are over the guest usually gets a couple thoughts out before the segment is over.

Right? There's no way Joey Vindictive is an actual person.  Google would give me the answer, but it's not worth actually knowing.

Right? There's no way Joey Vindictive is an actual person.  Google would give me the answer, but it's not worth actually knowing.

You're not wrong

You're not wrong

I don't know, I kind of loved this episode.  Felt like it was their version of Woody Allen's Stardust Memories (side note: Stardust Memories is the best. The. Best.).  They nailed the tone, jokes all landed, some really great direction….my favorite episode of the season so far.

I don't know, I kind of loved this episode.  Felt like it was their version of Woody Allen's Stardust Memories (side note: Stardust Memories is the best. The. Best.).  They nailed the tone, jokes all landed, some really great direction….my favorite episode of the season so far.

I refuse to admit Regular Show qualifies as "children's animation."