Mr Squibbon

Nevermind isn't punk or even punk derivative (by most completely arbitrary standards).  But I, too, immediately thought of '94-'95.  Dookie only made it to #2 (though it eventually went diamond). Smash, which of all of these albums I most distinctly being #1, got to #4 on Billboard.  And "…and out Come the Wolves" (I

Just under half the band that Sum 41 was. Sounds about right.

Wish I could track it down, but there was a good documentary not that long ago that looked at the state of punk 25 years (I think) after Anarchy in the UK.  Mostly it looked at (second wave) punk bands but had a whole segment on Pennywise, Blink-182, Green Day and the like. It did a really good job of looking at both

Social Distortion, a band that never sounded particularly like 'punk' (to my ears at least), but heavily identified with punk culture, talked about this:
 "You know I was driving through hollywood today, and it was that parking lot across the street from the Whiskey. About 18 years ago, we used to sit out there and

I liked it this time, and would like it occasionally.

Minority opinion: Kubrick was a terrible film-maker and 2001 is only interesting if the acid kicks in during the 20 minutes of starring at a black screen.

Also, accusing "Grace under Fire" of being basically Roseanne's life seems like she's saying she invented poverty and motherhood, like how George Lucas invented space.

Get these mother-fucking snake-mouth ladies off my mother-fucking website.

It's been getting steadily more praise/fascination as time goes on, which is, frankly, to be expected.  I suspect it's going to get much worse now that BB/Dexter have finished. It's always been on my 'I should get around to this eventually' list but
season three is starting to get to the point of overhype that may

"If you liked #GRAVITY, check out this link " leaves him something like 100 characters to add tiny urls to.

@avclub-e0a1578b57e32929a77892fadf0d0b40:disqus, I need my Orbital Laser Cannon for hunting.

GPS without modern satellites is more or less impossible (okay, not impossible but pointlessly difficult).

In what way was Armageddon not thrilling or realistic?

Michio Kaku drives me fucking crazy.  He combines all the worst possible aspects of a science popularizer.  He isn't very good at explaining things.  He comes off as incredibly self-important.  But mostly, he manages to consistently jump on band-wagons after they've been thoroughly disproved.

HBO bingo would also have superfluous tits in every scene.  Maybe that's why they cast Topher Grace.

I think I see what you're saying.  MBDTF and much more so Yeesuz were more consistent albums whereas his first albums were collections of songs. 
If he wants to be considered a rapper, he ought to be focusing on his lyrics.  He's still a good producer, but look at Dre.  He's a good producer (when he decides to

I'm usually much better about avoiding homonym mistakes like that.  But… yeah… I screwed that up.

@avclub-85ffb08f91a83b6566467b942828a560:disqus, 2 short stories: "The Music of Eric Zann" and "Pickman's Model". Both of them are light on the mythology (I actually think they don't have any connection to the overall mythos, but could be wrong), and really well written. 
"Rats in the Walls" is also very good, and

Not in space per se, but chest-burster at American Idol audition would be nice.

@avclub-17c3613df50203d147fc87ccd0f1436d:disqus, I know this is overly pedantic, but Stan Lee was no longer at Marvel when the Official Handbooks came out (well, he was president emeritus).  All the bat-shit insane science in them was written (primarily) by a single writer, who is credited on the reverse of each