Probably the best description of Nevermind I've ever heard. I can't tell if you're saying you liked it or not, though.
Probably the best description of Nevermind I've ever heard. I can't tell if you're saying you liked it or not, though.
…wait… I've got a new complaint…
And had a different lead singer, no female vocals and an entirely different set of musical inspirations and didn't speak Spansih (poorly)
One thing is steady progression in speed, as well as the 'noise war'. This kinda ruined some classic punk for me (the Ramones come to mind). It was pitched to me (born in early '80s) as 'loud, fast and out of control', but it kinda sound quiet and quaint.
Ayatollah, asshole-a.
Is there a way to get the remastered album without the 17,000 bonus live songs? And what's the retail?
Incesticide has it's merits. It's definitely the weakest of three major label albums (and arguably intentionally so). But it's fun, not nearly as dense as the others, and worth a listen if you haven't already.
Sadly, I think the existence of YouTube and the near daily news that 'X 90s band is touring again and is threatening to put out a new album', the music scene seems to be literally unchanged since ~ 94.
Does anybody listen to Nickelback?!
This more than anything explains the popularity of Atlas shrugged.
The Russian part is more than a bit misleading. The Russian people have (as a whole) accepted that checkism is just an inherent part of Russian culture (there were some (in the plutoboro) that argued that Stalin was basically abusing power same as the Czars had, but with a more palatable window dressing). Also, the…
@avclub-455d35ab9181666567642b0ea8870573:disqus Good point about Banks. I was being a bit hyperbolic, and actually confusing last half-season for this half-season a bit. Since 'Dead Freight', he's done more with 'stand/sit around looking crushed and defeated' then most actors do with substantial roles.
There's no way not to. If they don't get the money they'll just say it's some sort of vast conspiracy to suppress the gospel of Ayn Rand. If it does get the money, they'll say it was proof that the public wanted more of this crap and the lukewarm (followed by piss poor) box office is proof of some sort of vast…
It was (probably) not rigged/loaded by the people who set it up. I mostly found it fascinating that Lord of the Rings managed to do so well for itself (considering that it clearly wasn't an honest contest) and that Scientology (at the height of there internet dickery) couldn't be bothered to cheat more than…
But they took somebody else's work (Ayn Rand) and attempted to profit off of it. Unless they added a fresh new take on Objectivism (which is kinda self-contradictory), they can only really be loyal workers.
The history of American labor is basically a whole bunch of molotov cocktails, Anarchists with surprisingly loose sexual mores, and 'police riots' (ie riot cops rioting). It's amazing that they somehow leave that stuff out of the history books.
I love the idea that Canuck's are too polite to come up with pithy, derisive nicknames for each other. Way to live up to positive stereotypes.
For the record Libertarianism != Objectivism. You could argue that Objectivism is a subset of Libertarianism. Also Libertarianism is incongruous with the religious right and have been moving away from the Republicans for a while now.
@avclub-81fc53c51059936bda7ac43bdcb32449:disqus , first time anybody has ever said that.
Libertarians support the right to piss a way your money however you want. Even if that's through charity or funding other people's vanity projects (especially Jillette's strong social libertarian vein which only works if there's an active 'invisible hand'). Also, he embraced crowd-sourcing and internet culture,…