Liam Neesons

I think it's important to keep in mind that freeing Tyrion effectively put a warrant on Varys' head. He knows that that act prevents him from ever having a public role to play in King's Landing. From the start, he's been plotting the return of Daenerys (or at least keeping close tabs on her progress as a potential

I couldn't read any of the Vargo Hoat scenes without thinking of Boris the Hangman from Blazing Saddles: https://youtu.be/UdL9wQdWZ9g

"He used to be a caveman
But now he's a lawyer
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer!"

This may be (/is almost certainly) giving "300" more credit than it deserves, but isn't David Wenham's character supposed to be telling the story to the people of Sparta to help convince them to fight back against the Persians? I always thought that that framing device explained why there are literal monsters in the

Doran rules Dorne and Drogon is a dragon. That is silly.

I'm in.

Hello (hello, hello)—is there anybody in there? (…in there?…in there?)

That's no moon roof….It's a space station roof!

Hansel—so hot right now. Hansel.

Is a "serial stabber" just an unsuccessful serial killer? In a weird way, I kinda like that. He's just trying so hard to murder people, but he can never quite get there. True underdog story.

Very much like the apparently standard "buckle it up or you'll die" song from when they get in the car while playing hooky.

Shake your Groot thing, shake your Groot thing, yeah yeah!
Show 'em how we do it now!

Too bad the Hovitos don't know you the way we do, USA.

I've only ever met people who have extreme opinions on it—they either love it or hate it. Those who hate it often cite how annoying Holden is. But isn't that kind of the point? I like to think of it as a warning not to be so cynical all the time. Sure, Holden wants to protect innocence, but he doesn't really extend

If he loses his healing factor, how does that affect his claws? Is he just walking around with open wounds on his hands all the time? Gross.

Fiery the angels fell / Deep thunder rolled around their shores / Burning with the fires of Orc.

♫(got to do with this?)♫

We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!