Some Kind of Munster

Y’know, back in college I had the brilliant idea of doing exactly that – inventing the adult-sized Big Wheel (although I was gonna make them outta plastic, with the hollow wheels because I’m authentic) and renting them out for parties and zany shenanigans.

Yeah, that was my theory based on reading the books and watching the show but not really remembering if that was feasible based on the timing of everything and being too lazy to go back and re-read it all. I mean, if he were a Targaryan, shouldn’t he be light-haired and purple-eyed?

As someone who has spent a lot of time pressuring printers to work faster and cheaper, I’d just like to apologize for that. Believe me – I wasn’t calling the shots and was only relaying the demands made by my superiors – and I felt like shit every time I had to push for a shorter turnaround or play two printers off

Ponce’s Pants!

I like Wiki Wormhole a lot too. That and the Film School feature are the only two new-ish ones that I really enjoy (Oh, and Cameron Esposito’s bi-weekly columns are also fantastic!)

Internet Eating Sensation Dave Chang!

That sounds a lot like me as well. Last year I was let go from a job as the “creative services manager” at a consumer goods company – partly due to “restructuring” and partly due to not being very good at the creative services management portion of the job – and after a lot of soul searching I realized that I’m really

I have a friend who’s an incredibly talented illustrator but has lived in abject poverty for the fifteen-or-so years since we graduated from art school. Until very recently he refused to even get a part time job to supplement his occasional commissions because he was an artist and artists starve, while I quickly

Gotta go with “Amish Paradise” as my favourite Weird Al vid. Amish Florence Henderson in the Michelle Pfeiffer role (apparently Pfeiffer really wanted to reprise her Dangerous Minds role for the video but her schedule prevented it), profuse sweating, and this verse:

Especially since in my family, “turkey bacon” was the bacon that was draped over the turkey before roasting it on Thanksgiving or Christmas and was the best part of day-after turkey club sandwiches.

Yeah, movies on CBC are brutal – they show the first 45 minutes commercial free so you’re hooked then they ratchet up the commercial breaks until the last half hour only features about 3 minutes of movie (I know that’s standard procedure at a lot of stations, but CBC seems to be especially bad about it. Maybe because

That’s my take too. Nothing’s off limits as long as it’s funny, but that article is just a failure.

Heh. It was Cogeco I was cancelling. I’ve got to say every time I dealt with their customer service they were unfailingly polite but the service wasn’t great considering the cost. (I wish I could have kept their phone service because it was much better than Bell, but once it was removed from the cable/internet bundle

I cancelled my cable a few months ago (Netflix and an antenna give me way more TV than I’ll ever have time to watch) and I was actually kind of disappointed that the rep I talked to didn’t even try to dissuade me from cancelling. Like, I had a whole bunch of reasons I could have given if they’d asked but the guy just

I’m not as upset by these shows as you are, but I never watch them either and I agree about “Queen of Jordan” being some of the worst of 30 Rock. I couldn’t get past how obnoxious everything about the reality show within the show was to find any of it funny and I suspect I’d have the same problem with this, despite

My Walken impression (which I break out far more often than is healthy. Or funny) is mostly based on that sketch.

It holds up pretty well… I recently re-read Skeleton Crew, the short story collection that contains The Raft and if anything I found it more effective as an adult than I had as a gore-obsessed teenager.

My mom once (half-seriously) threatened to kill herself by sticking her head in the oven. Once I stopped laughing I explained to her that electric ovens don’t work that way.

Technically, the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) stores also sell beer, but they don’t sell 12’s or 24’s and mostly focus on singles and small packs of craft or imported beer. I actually buy almost all of my beer at the LCBO because I prefer their selection but I still have to go to the Beer Store to return my

I always enjoy when they play his “Big League” at sporting events. Nothing like an uplifting song about a dead kid to get the crowd pumped.