Some Kind of Munster

Thank you. As a mostly-law-abiding cyclist that shit pisses me off to no end when I see other cyclists picking and choosing which laws to obey when it suits them better to be treated as "pedestrians".

There's a quick way to find out:

I don't take suggestions from strangers on the internet; I'm fucking 40.

I picked up an awesome comp called "Ska Mania" as a punk rock loving teenager that turned me on to a whole shitload of original '60s ska acts (alongside some of the second wave stuff).
The version I had was similar to this (and the cover art was the same) but it had a slightly different track listing:

Awesome, dude!

Last time I had a flat I couldn't even get the bolt holding the spare to the car loosened and I felt like a total pussy until the tow truck driver showed up and couldn't do it either. Then I had it towed to my mechanic to get the tire replaced and he spent hours trying to loosen the bolt before giving up and telling

I made some pretty good roasted red pepper hummus the other day (in fact I just finished it off for lunch). In the past I've tried roasting my peppers on the BBQ but this time I did them under the broiler and it worked waaaay better – the blackening was much more consistent without totally charring the peppers.

I mostly do print graphic design at my job but I've been teaching myself some video editing lately – just put together a bunch of short clips with animated text interstitials for a project the other day. it's partly for my job (as this is something we're being asked to do more often now) and partly for my own benefit.

I didn't do my usual shuffle on my commute today because Deltron 3030: Event II but here's my shuffle from my morning run (which used the stacked deck of my running playlist)

In high school I once had a cute-ish girl working at a shoe store slip her phone number into the box of shoes I bought from her but I was so fucking hopeless I was still too shy to call her.

As a guy who finds the idea of sending pictures of your shit kinda funny (although I swear I haven't done it to anybody in years, and the guy I did it to totally deserved it), I think either way it's out of line here.

Also, the Twilight Zone Stephen King adaptation of "Gramma" scared the fuck outta me.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I don't think I ever realized that was Joe Dante, but I loved that one too (which makes sense because I fell in love with Gremlins around the same time)

According to Dirty Work you only need to be in there for about 15 minutes, but then, those particular fellas had a lot of growing up to do.

Die, they must die, the pandas must die!

It's educational too – that "mites crawl up, tights fall down" mnemonic is the only way I can keep stalactites and stalagmites straight.

There was also an appearance by the Three Stooges in the first book (Kurlekut Lharys and Mohar – described as fat with a shaved head, with two tufts of red hair and wearing a helmet that looked like a bowl, respectively)

Y'know, I wanted a little more time with Devin Townsend before I passed judgment but I've listened to it quite a bit now and I just think it may not be for me (ducks heavy object thrown by Smacky).

Lit'rally just yesterday I asked my wife if she could see anything through the hole in my jeans before I left the house (because she couldn't).

I used to own a sky blue hoodie the exact colour of Bobby Hill's hoodie.