Some Kind of Munster

Nah, it's understandable… I mean, I'm a HUGE Screaming Trees fan (and a fan of Lanegan in general) but I can recognize that for most people they were a footnote to the grunge movement or at best a one-hit wonder.

"Streaming Media" is blocked at my work so I'm gonna have to wait til I get home too. This is going to be a long afternoon is what I'm saying.

I think I saw NOFX and Face to Face play together a few times in the '90s… now that I think about it, seeing them open for NOFX might have been my introduction to the band (I know I bought Don't Turn Away at a show, so there's a good chance that was the case).

I used to have the reverse problem looking for Samiam CDs!

Interesting – I don't think I've heard more than a couple of their songs post Less Talk, More Rock but I loved those early albums.

Awesome article – really glad to see a mention of Circus Lupus (the Jesus Lizard comparison is apt – I always saw them as Fugazi with a sick sense of humour, which I guess sort of equals JL) AND Seaweed who I've always thought have been a great, unfairly forgotten band. I still listen to Weak and its followup Four

I forgot to mention though – what a jump in quality from Ribbed to The Longest Line!  It's like NOFX was Mark McGwire and El Hefe was steroids.

I only had it on tape (which means I haven't heard it in a decade or so either) but I loved the shit out of that album at the time (Screeching Weasel's Boogadaboogadaboogada was on the other side of the tape so it was in good company).

Awesome. Snuff were incredible and the few times I saw them live they were a blast. I always loved that they were a punk band with a horn section but instead of fusing ska with punk like everybody else it was more of a soul sound.

At one time I would have listed White Trash as my favourite album but the last time I tried to listen to it I couldn't even make it through the thing.


I used to work with a guy who was terrified to leave a fan on at night because this guy he knew, his wife went to sleep with a fan blowing on her and it left half her face paralyzed. The same thing happened to Jean Chretien!

And don't get me started on those bastards who sing it "Eensy-Weensy". Itsy-Bitsy or GTFO, assholes!

I take issue with Marah's characterization of  "Happy Birthday". Any song that ends with "… and you smell like one toooooooo!" cannot by any definition be called anticlimactic.

Mine did too and I spent a lot of time staring at it in the hopes that one of these days I'd notice a slipped nipple I'd somehow never seen before.

One of my favourite Weakerthans' lyrics is "Let your hand melt a hole in the frost / Look out under a sky that looks just like a shirt I lost" which perfectly evokes my brief visit to Manitoba.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I know the YTV "VJs" were called "PJs" for some reason ("Program Jockeys" maybe?) because I was way too old to be watching that stuff.

My car has an after-market tape player because it only had AM/FM when I bought it.

Yeah, I used to hang out with a guy who was a big fan of Max Webster (and Zappa, for that matter) and I actually liked some of the jazzier stuff of theirs he'd to put on but the handful of radio singles that I hear all the time drive me insane.

You could probably fill out a pretty good ballot of nationwide province songs just based on Stompin' Tom's catalogue.