Some Kind of Munster

Yeah, I love that shit but I work with three other people in what could either be described as a small room or a large office and the fumes would knock everyone out. We've had to banish spray adhesive to the parking lot and I didn't feel like working outside in sub-zero temperature!

As mentioned in another thread, I'm in good with the amateur Polish mafia who run our condo board so yeah that's good advice - befriend the people who can help you get shit done.

Absolutely… I live just outside of Toronto where house prices are a little more reasonable, but most of my friends living in the city will never be able to buy there – you either stay in Toronto and rent or move to the suburbs and buy (and even then prices in this area keep soaring).

The previous owner of our place had the entire interior of the house painted Pepto-Bismol pink at one point. When we moved in one half of the living/dining room was pink (the other two walls were turquoise!) and she had a pink leather couch when we viewed the place, all of which we found in poor taste but not crazy.

No contacts, and I wouldn't think chopping a couple of onions a week would be enough to build up an immunity. As per @avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus  below, I may just be a mouth-breather.

The problem with renting is that money is just gone. After living in our last apartment for five years I realized that we'd sunk somewhere around $70,000 into rent alone, with nothing to show for it. (By the way, don't do that calculation. It will only make you unhappy).

Yeah, it's a good setup as long as it's a well-managed building/complex. I'm in a townhouse condo and for a few years there our property manager was useless and the board was so hamstrung by bickering that nothing was getting done and the property really started to go to shit.
Fortunately things have turned around

We're in a townhouse (built in the '70s) so luckily all outside issues are the condo board's responsibility (doesn't mean it's free though – any time additional funds are needed they can issue a "special assessment" to squeeze more money out of us, either in a lump sum or added to condo fees), but yeah, every time we

You just made me realize that onions haven't made me cry for years and I cook with onions all the time. What am i doing wrong/right?

Same here… I'm terrible at fake smiles. Every posed picture of me has this "hurry up and take the fucking picture" grimace.

I've had stray gray hairs since college too – I've been trying to will them into congregating above my ears (à la J. Jonah Jameson or Paulie Walnuts) but so far I just have a patch behind my right ear.

Bushmills? That's Protestant whiskey!

Bushmills? That's Protestant whiskey!

Hard to say, really. I just unscrewed a couple of inches like a Push-Pop and licked away for awhile.

Cool, thanks…. I wasn't sure about the whole defrosting vs cooking from frozen thing.

Fair enough… I'd be laying directly under the air conditioner with an ice pack stuffed in my pants if it was 110˚ so I think it evens out.

Random thread!
Yesterday I used a glue stick for the first time since high school because all of my art college teachers instilled in me a snobbish attitude about using anything other than rubber cement to afix paper to paper and HOLY FUCK is it easier to use a glue stick.

Haven't cooked anything too interesting lately – a lot of basic "grill this meat, steam this vegetable" dinners.

"too chilly"? Aren't you in Texas?

That's really beautiful… I'm honestly kind of choked up after reading your comment.
Your brother is lucky to have such a loving family and great older sibling.