Some Kind of Munster

"Bullet in brain move. Much hospital."

It's kind of sad how often I tell people to cool their Japanese jets.

It's kind of sad how often I tell people to cool their Japanese jets.

I know I've seen this, but all I really remember about it was that the VHS tape we rented started with a "Soundtrack now available, featuring this song by Hayden…" promo featuring a snippet of the song by Canadian indie rock dude Hayden, which was then followed by the full music video for the song, and then the movie


Depends on where you live.
In Toronto they were starting at about $60 and going up to $400+ the last time I checked. (Last game I went to I had "Standing Area" tickets that were around $40 apiece – not that expensive, but for tickets to stand against the back wall at the very top of the arena it's kind of excessive).

As much as it would suck for the handful of actual fans in those locations and the non-NHL people employed in and around those arenas who'd lose their jobs, I'm thinking that the silver lining to this lockout is that it might be the final nail in the coffin for a few floundering teams.

Like where, Mr. Internet Smart-Guy?

Yeah, the only people I have any sympathy for in this whole mess are the concession employees and the bars and restaurants who've been losing out.

I haven't seen it either – wasn't really interested to begin with, then all the hype at the time made me loudly and frequently proclaim that I would NEVER see it.

I'm a pretty huge hockey fan but i think I'm going to give this season a pass on general principle (of course, the first night I'm at home with nothing else on TV I'll probably crack).

OK, there's ONE non-racist explanation.

I've seen confederate flags on cars in Canada. There's no non-racist explanation for that.

I saw it in Toronto years ago and it was a fucking blast. It definitely plays up the campy comedy angle more than the horror, but it's really hilarious and literally gallons of blood are spilled (mainly on the first few rows of seats).
If you're a fan of the movies and ever get a chance to see it I can't recommend it

It's toque or alternately (if you're wrong), tuque.

Magnum PiCarly Simon Le Bon Iveronica Mars Volta Do Marky-Mark and the Funky Bunch

Mike Watt is kind of notorious for being the friendliest guy in rock though, isn't he? You'd probably be pretty disappointed with the rest of humanity if he was your only frame of reference.

Simon Le Bon Iveronica Mars Volta Do Marky-Mark and the Funky Bunch

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Those songs were only two years apart? It feels like at least a couple of decades.

LB were probably the first real "you kids get off my lawn" band for 20 year old me.
I remember seeing them as the very first band of the day at the Warped Tour one year (I want to say '96 or '97?) and they were without a doubt the worst non-high-school-battle-of-the-bands-band I've ever seen – completely incompetent