Some Kind of Munster

Good call on Wurster – I know from reading his old Superchunk tour diaries that towards the end of their initial run the indifference they were facing on the road was taking its toll, so I'd assume there was some financial stress there too.

Good call on Wurster – I know from reading his old Superchunk tour diaries that towards the end of their initial run the indifference they were facing on the road was taking its toll, so I'd assume there was some financial stress there too.

@avclub-dad77f774bda25bdc00e88c0824331de:disqus Hey, I'm not saying I'd turn my nose up at it – believe me, I would be thrilled with $5,000 – but it would no longer be a life-changing amount of money.

@avclub-dad77f774bda25bdc00e88c0824331de:disqus Hey, I'm not saying I'd turn my nose up at it – believe me, I would be thrilled with $5,000 – but it would no longer be a life-changing amount of money.

I never owned it either – I borrowed it from a friend with the intent of taping it but ended up only recording "Muzzle" and "Tonight, Tonight".

I never owned it either – I borrowed it from a friend with the intent of taping it but ended up only recording "Muzzle" and "Tonight, Tonight".

There was only one Prime Minister who regularly communicated with his dead mother via séances, and that Prime Minister was William Lyon Mackenzie King.

There was only one Prime Minister who regularly communicated with his dead mother via séances, and that Prime Minister was William Lyon Mackenzie King.

Yeah, I remember a conversation in my early 20s with a few coworkers about the amount of money we'd have to win in a lottery to quit our jobs and I think $5,000 was my theoretical ticket out of there.

Yeah, I remember a conversation in my early 20s with a few coworkers about the amount of money we'd have to win in a lottery to quit our jobs and I think $5,000 was my theoretical ticket out of there.

I also like that his hobbies were watching sports and being left alone. Sounds like a man after my own heart.

I also like that his hobbies were watching sports and being left alone. Sounds like a man after my own heart.

*Helpfully offers his copy of Alien 3 to @avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus *

*Helpfully offers his copy of Alien 3 to @avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus *

It's one of those things were objectively Siamese Dream is a "better" album, but completely subjectively I like "Gish" more (and I heard Siamese Dream before I heard Gish, so I can't even blame it on preferring the album that introduced the band to me).

It's one of those things were objectively Siamese Dream is a "better" album, but completely subjectively I like "Gish" more (and I heard Siamese Dream before I heard Gish, so I can't even blame it on preferring the album that introduced the band to me).

I'll freely admit that there was a bit of the "I was into them before they were cool" posturing on my part when this album came out, but I still maintain that Siamese Dream and Gish were better albums in large part because they were less self-indulgent (and that's saying a lot because SD is pretty fucking

I'll freely admit that there was a bit of the "I was into them before they were cool" posturing on my part when this album came out, but I still maintain that Siamese Dream and Gish were better albums in large part because they were less self-indulgent (and that's saying a lot because SD is pretty fucking

I've never understood how "Perfectly Lethal" didn't make it to the album… it's one of my favourite 'Mats' songs

I've never understood how "Perfectly Lethal" didn't make it to the album… it's one of my favourite 'Mats' songs