Some Kind of Munster

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus  Clearly Leonard Hawthorne is next:

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus  Clearly Leonard Hawthorne is next:

Y'know, as soon as I typed that I knew some smartass was going to pounce on it.

Y'know, as soon as I typed that I knew some smartass was going to pounce on it.

Do you guys celebrate Real™ Thanksgiving in October as well, or just the silly American version?

Do you guys celebrate Real™ Thanksgiving in October as well, or just the silly American version?

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus I'm also partial to allspice for a bit of a peppery tang

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus I'm also partial to allspice for a bit of a peppery tang

My father in law picked up a four pack of the I&G rum cask for me awhile ago (he's a former alcoholic – been sober for a couple of decades – but he loves booze shopping and I'm not going to complain about him drinking vicariously through me).

My father in law picked up a four pack of the I&G rum cask for me awhile ago (he's a former alcoholic – been sober for a couple of decades – but he loves booze shopping and I'm not going to complain about him drinking vicariously through me).

Same here – we're buying for our daughter and two young nephews (because we're not monsters) but all the adults have agreed to cut that shit out and I'm actually looking forward to Christmas for the first time I can remember.

Same here – we're buying for our daughter and two young nephews (because we're not monsters) but all the adults have agreed to cut that shit out and I'm actually looking forward to Christmas for the first time I can remember.

Shaming their bear children for going out in public with unsightly dingleberries?

Shaming their bear children for going out in public with unsightly dingleberries?

Hitchin' up the buggy
Churnin' lots of butter
Raised a barn on Monday
Soon I'll raise anutter

Hitchin' up the buggy
Churnin' lots of butter
Raised a barn on Monday
Soon I'll raise anutter

Oh man, I envy you – Toad in the Hole is the greatest.

Oh man, I envy you – Toad in the Hole is the greatest.

*reads  @avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus's comment*

*reads  @avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus's comment*