Some Kind of Munster

*sucks in gut, tries to look "cool" *

*sucks in gut, tries to look "cool" *

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus I had that problem a few years ago… looked in my closet one day and realized that everything in there was some shade of brown or other (it happened so slowly I didn't even notice).

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus I had that problem a few years ago… looked in my closet one day and realized that everything in there was some shade of brown or other (it happened so slowly I didn't even notice).

Liked for using Wellington – those guys make some great beer.

Liked for using Wellington – those guys make some great beer.

We made a pretty kick-ass pizza – nothing fancy, just peppers, mushrooms, onions, zucchini and ham with a shitload of mozzarella, but it was probably my best attempt at crust yet.
I've used the same recipe before, but this time I made the dough in the morning (I used a breadmaker, so 2 minutes of dumping in ingredients

We made a pretty kick-ass pizza – nothing fancy, just peppers, mushrooms, onions, zucchini and ham with a shitload of mozzarella, but it was probably my best attempt at crust yet.
I've used the same recipe before, but this time I made the dough in the morning (I used a breadmaker, so 2 minutes of dumping in ingredients

Pipe down! I've been selling kindling to Harry Potter fans for years and you're going to put me out of business!

Pipe down! I've been selling kindling to Harry Potter fans for years and you're going to put me out of business!

I like the idea of live albums in theory but in practice I rarely listen to them (I have quite a few that I bought out of a sense of loyalty or because I wanted to recapture the feeling of seeing a band live, but I'm much more likely to put on any of a given band's studio albums than their live one).

I like the idea of live albums in theory but in practice I rarely listen to them (I have quite a few that I bought out of a sense of loyalty or because I wanted to recapture the feeling of seeing a band live, but I'm much more likely to put on any of a given band's studio albums than their live one).

Yep, that's exactly my reasoning for not doing the AVC crossword. I often look at it longingly, wishing I could do it, but knowing that everyone walking past would see the grid and know i was slacking.

Yep, that's exactly my reasoning for not doing the AVC crossword. I often look at it longingly, wishing I could do it, but knowing that everyone walking past would see the grid and know i was slacking.

I know. I'm in the future too.

I know. I'm in the future too.

Narrator: Don't order the Benedict Cabbagepatch

Narrator: Don't order the Benedict Cabbagepatch

@avclub-e0f7f1a073e97a850a334b932695aff5:disqus Same here, but barring that, I wish the CBC would stop showing "classic" games from the early '80s on Hockey Night in Canada and maybe air some AHL games (I'm sure it's a contractual thing, but fuck… just because there's no NHL doesn't mean the rest of the hockey world

@avclub-e0f7f1a073e97a850a334b932695aff5:disqus Same here, but barring that, I wish the CBC would stop showing "classic" games from the early '80s on Hockey Night in Canada and maybe air some AHL games (I'm sure it's a contractual thing, but fuck… just because there's no NHL doesn't mean the rest of the hockey world