Some Kind of Munster

@avclub-47cb33b6a930575cfe604d5cc6046d57:disqus Cool – I'll give that a try!
I've done the double frying thing before without much success so hopefully the soaking makes the difference.

@avclub-47cb33b6a930575cfe604d5cc6046d57:disqus Cool – I'll give that a try!
I've done the double frying thing before without much success so hopefully the soaking makes the difference.

I read that as "mustache-high knee socks" and was confused and intrigued.

I read that as "mustache-high knee socks" and was confused and intrigued.

Just spitballing here, but maybe falafel patties? I'm thinking if you added some kind of Thanksgiving appropriate seasoning (ie. sage) they'd actually go well with the whole gravy/mashed potatoes thing. Might be stepping on stuffing's toes, but really has anyone ever complained that there was too much stuffing?

Just spitballing here, but maybe falafel patties? I'm thinking if you added some kind of Thanksgiving appropriate seasoning (ie. sage) they'd actually go well with the whole gravy/mashed potatoes thing. Might be stepping on stuffing's toes, but really has anyone ever complained that there was too much stuffing?

Do you have a sweet potato fry secret? I've never been able to get them crispy, either by frying or baking (or both).

Do you have a sweet potato fry secret? I've never been able to get them crispy, either by frying or baking (or both).

I cooked salmon last night too… started out on the BBQ but ran out of propane immediately and had to quickly transfer to the oven. Still turned out OK though (I was cooking it from frozen and it hadn't had to time to defrost before the BBQ shit the bed).
I mixed some softened butter with minced garlic and spread that

I cooked salmon last night too… started out on the BBQ but ran out of propane immediately and had to quickly transfer to the oven. Still turned out OK though (I was cooking it from frozen and it hadn't had to time to defrost before the BBQ shit the bed).
I mixed some softened butter with minced garlic and spread that

I lived in Hamilton for years. Any night that ends in only 20 people killed in Timbit-related mishaps is considered a victory.

I lived in Hamilton for years. Any night that ends in only 20 people killed in Timbit-related mishaps is considered a victory.

Then you're a chump. Shit beer is always better than no beer at all.

Then you're a chump. Shit beer is always better than no beer at all.

Exactly what I was thinking. This whole thing could have been decided months ago if Lemmy had spoken up sooner.

Exactly what I was thinking. This whole thing could have been decided months ago if Lemmy had spoken up sooner.

I was once at a Hamilton Bulldogs game and saw a poorly aimed Subway cannon fire a footlong into the rafters where it exploded, raining lettuce and tomatoes on the drunks below. Easily the best hockey game I've ever been to.

I was once at a Hamilton Bulldogs game and saw a poorly aimed Subway cannon fire a footlong into the rafters where it exploded, raining lettuce and tomatoes on the drunks below. Easily the best hockey game I've ever been to.