Some Kind of Munster

I thought the thing that happened with Hurwitz was that nothing he did after Arrested Development was any good.

I thought the thing that happened with Hurwitz was that nothing he did after Arrested Development was any good.

One! One giant crybaby! Ah Ah Ah!

One! One giant crybaby! Ah Ah Ah!

Is that the guy in whose shed off they were whacking?

Is that the guy in whose shed off they were whacking?

Hell, I could probably write it for them.

Hell, I could probably write it for them.

@unicyclistperiscopes:disqus I can't hear that song without wanting to rhythmically smash someone over the head with a pool cue.

@unicyclistperiscopes:disqus I can't hear that song without wanting to rhythmically smash someone over the head with a pool cue.

Good lord, trapped in a building full of clowns for two days

Good lord, trapped in a building full of clowns for two days

My daughter's a bit less than two now and I read all of the other stories in that book to her (not that she's really absorbing much of the lessons or wordplay at this age – her favourite part of the whole book is the picture of the Sneetches playing with a ball) but I haven't even tried to read that one yet.

My daughter's a bit less than two now and I read all of the other stories in that book to her (not that she's really absorbing much of the lessons or wordplay at this age – her favourite part of the whole book is the picture of the Sneetches playing with a ball) but I haven't even tried to read that one yet.

My childhood house backed onto a vacant, sparsely treed section of railway-owned land and then train tracks, so in the winter I could often see the red signal lights on the tracks through the bare trees. Even though I KNEW they were the signals I was always convinced that they'd moved closer and were just outside our

My childhood house backed onto a vacant, sparsely treed section of railway-owned land and then train tracks, so in the winter I could often see the red signal lights on the tracks through the bare trees. Even though I KNEW they were the signals I was always convinced that they'd moved closer and were just outside our

In high school I had recurring dreams about my teeth falling out. I later read some dream analysis stuff that theorized that it was tied to sexual frustration. Make of that what you will, but keep in mind I WAS NOT GETTING LAID in high school so it all checks out.

That's awesome… genuinely cool story, bro!

That's awesome… genuinely cool story, bro!

Ha! I realized I was unconsciously sucking in my gut while reading your comment.