Some Kind of Munster

Reverse Fashion Thread!
I cleared out about 50% of the clothes in my closet last weekend (lots of stuff I just hadn't worn in a long time and a bunch of things from when I was more of a fatass) so sooner or later I'm going to have to replenish.
At first I was hesitant to throw away some perfectly good clothes, but once

We do that too… although I bought a couple of "egg rings" at the dollar store a few years ago to make english muffin sized discs of egg.

We do that too… although I bought a couple of "egg rings" at the dollar store a few years ago to make english muffin sized discs of egg.

I used to call mine Charles, cuz that motherfucker was in charge.

I used to call mine Charles, cuz that motherfucker was in charge.

Yeah, mentioned this above… I'm definitely not prepared to put myself through that at the moment (I'll wait until the kid's in her teens and I can't stand her).

Yeah, mentioned this above… I'm definitely not prepared to put myself through that at the moment (I'll wait until the kid's in her teens and I can't stand her).

That story's one of my favourites… I first read it in an old book of ghost stories that I found at my parents' cottage as a kid and reading The Wendigo, late at night in a creaky old cottage by the lake is one of my fondest memories of that place.

That story's one of my favourites… I first read it in an old book of ghost stories that I found at my parents' cottage as a kid and reading The Wendigo, late at night in a creaky old cottage by the lake is one of my fondest memories of that place.

I went on a Stephen King jag this summer and re-read most of his books that I still had lying around my house but deliberately skipped Pet Sematary. I read it as a cat-owning teen and that was hard enough to handle – as a parent of a toddler I know I'm not up to putting myself through that torture.

I went on a Stephen King jag this summer and re-read most of his books that I still had lying around my house but deliberately skipped Pet Sematary. I read it as a cat-owning teen and that was hard enough to handle – as a parent of a toddler I know I'm not up to putting myself through that torture.

How about sexy Big Bird:

How about sexy Big Bird:

I'm terribly sorry, but If it's not too much trouble could you please go fuck yourself?

I'm terribly sorry, but If it's not too much trouble could you please go fuck yourself?

Yeah, that's been my problem with this feature so far – with the exception of the dude who picked "Imagine", they've all been universally reviled songs.
Where are the brave souls who are willing to take a stand and talk about how much they hate "How Soon is Now?" or "Welcome to the Jungle"?

Yeah, that's been my problem with this feature so far – with the exception of the dude who picked "Imagine", they've all been universally reviled songs.
Where are the brave souls who are willing to take a stand and talk about how much they hate "How Soon is Now?" or "Welcome to the Jungle"?

I'm with you there.
Whenever I read about these guys I think "this sounds awesome!", then I go listen to them and discover that I don't really care for them.
Based on the mention in this review of the vocals being cleaned up a bit I may give them one more chance but if I don't like this album either I'll just have to

I'm with you there.
Whenever I read about these guys I think "this sounds awesome!", then I go listen to them and discover that I don't really care for them.
Based on the mention in this review of the vocals being cleaned up a bit I may give them one more chance but if I don't like this album either I'll just have to

I'm pretty sure that's definitively NOT a coincidence.