Some Kind of Munster

It's the best. I probably ate 2 lbs of the stuff while I was frying it because I couldn't resist the golden brown crispy goodness.
I tried growing eggplant in one of those upside-down hangers in my garden this year and it was a total disaster (I got one eggplant, approximately the size of my thumb) so I was glad to get

It's the best. I probably ate 2 lbs of the stuff while I was frying it because I couldn't resist the golden brown crispy goodness.
I tried growing eggplant in one of those upside-down hangers in my garden this year and it was a total disaster (I got one eggplant, approximately the size of my thumb) so I was glad to get

I had a couple of bottles of Great Lakes Brewery's pumpkin ale over the weekend… nothing too earth shattering (after hearing about a chocolate pumpkin porter it seems downright anticlimactic) but it's a pretty great example of the form.

I had a couple of bottles of Great Lakes Brewery's pumpkin ale over the weekend… nothing too earth shattering (after hearing about a chocolate pumpkin porter it seems downright anticlimactic) but it's a pretty great example of the form.

I haven't cooked anything too adventurous lately, but last week a coworker gave me a huge sack of eggplants from her parents' neighbours' garden (long story) so I had a marathon eggplant-frying session one night.
I froze most of them for later use, but I made a layered pasta thing with some of them (I didn't have

I haven't cooked anything too adventurous lately, but last week a coworker gave me a huge sack of eggplants from her parents' neighbours' garden (long story) so I had a marathon eggplant-frying session one night.
I froze most of them for later use, but I made a layered pasta thing with some of them (I didn't have

So only two new tracks - one of which is available on the "Etc." B-sides compilation and the other I'm assuming is an earlier demo of the song from "24 Hour Revenge Therapy"? I think I'll pass.

So only two new tracks - one of which is available on the "Etc." B-sides compilation and the other I'm assuming is an earlier demo of the song from "24 Hour Revenge Therapy"? I think I'll pass.

Fuck, if i'd known that, my entire commenting history would consist of "comment removed for blatant stupidity" and that one time I went "FIRST!"

Fuck, if i'd known that, my entire commenting history would consist of "comment removed for blatant stupidity" and that one time I went "FIRST!"

@EvelKareebel:disqus You've just gotta go with it and draw that scrotum in all its wrinkly glory.

@EvelKareebel:disqus You've just gotta go with it and draw that scrotum in all its wrinkly glory.

I don't remember much of anything about Bag of Bones (it was around the time I gave up on King too, and it kind of blurs together with a bunch of others he wrote around then), but i remember it had one scene that creeped me right the fuck out –
Where his dead wife shows up on their front porch wrapped in her

I don't remember much of anything about Bag of Bones (it was around the time I gave up on King too, and it kind of blurs together with a bunch of others he wrote around then), but i remember it had one scene that creeped me right the fuck out –
Where his dead wife shows up on their front porch wrapped in her

Nah, he said "prefume". That shit will get you high as balls.

Nah, he said "prefume". That shit will get you high as balls.

Just stay away from his glass-topped coffee table.

Just stay away from his glass-topped coffee table.

In fairness, it's also "Yes Varney, no sale."

In fairness, it's also "Yes Varney, no sale."