Some Kind of Munster

Strangely enough, my now-wife introduced me to the joys of Eegah on one of our first movie nights when we started dating. That's when I knew she was a keeper.

Strangely enough, my now-wife introduced me to the joys of Eegah on one of our first movie nights when we started dating. That's when I knew she was a keeper.

The show never aired in Canada (at least to the best of my knowledge – and I was looking for it because a Buffalonian acquaintance kept talking about it) so The Movie was my first introduction.

The show never aired in Canada (at least to the best of my knowledge – and I was looking for it because a Buffalonian acquaintance kept talking about it) so The Movie was my first introduction.

Jan in the pan! That's one of my favourites too, and among certain friends all it takes is a well timed interjection of "Ways!" to crack everyone up.

Jan in the pan! That's one of my favourites too, and among certain friends all it takes is a well timed interjection of "Ways!" to crack everyone up.

Part of the reason I love it is that a guy I used to work with started singing along to that song on the radio one day in a really bad Bob Dylan voice, apropos of nothing. I may have been kind of punchy that day, but or some reason it fucking killed me and I couldn't stop laughing – so now, every time I hear it I'm

Part of the reason I love it is that a guy I used to work with started singing along to that song on the radio one day in a really bad Bob Dylan voice, apropos of nothing. I may have been kind of punchy that day, but or some reason it fucking killed me and I couldn't stop laughing – so now, every time I hear it I'm

Ha! "What I Am" was my runner-up answer.

Ha! "What I Am" was my runner-up answer.

That's a great song! Have you heard the live version from the disc that was formerly released with Besides, but is now part of the FU:EL reissue? He screams the everloving shit out of it!

That's a great song! Have you heard the live version from the disc that was formerly released with Besides, but is now part of the FU:EL reissue? He screams the everloving shit out of it!

Do you just record everything and hope it's a winner, or are you more selective?

Do you just record everything and hope it's a winner, or are you more selective?

Only embarrassing when I'm stopped a traffic light and there's a hot girl on a bike stopped beside me and it's summer and I have the windows down and she looks over with a mixture of curiosity and disgust, but I'd have to go with "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph.

Only embarrassing when I'm stopped a traffic light and there's a hot girl on a bike stopped beside me and it's summer and I have the windows down and she looks over with a mixture of curiosity and disgust, but I'd have to go with "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph.

Same here. I'd also add Ten Foot Pole to that list.

Same here. I'd also add Ten Foot Pole to that list.

Yeah, saw these guys play a whole bunch of times in the '90s and had a couple of their albums… really fun live band and they wrote some damn catchy tunes.
One of my coworkers got dragged to see them during NXNE a few months ago and came away really impressed (he'd never heard them before but became an instant fan).

Yeah, saw these guys play a whole bunch of times in the '90s and had a couple of their albums… really fun live band and they wrote some damn catchy tunes.
One of my coworkers got dragged to see them during NXNE a few months ago and came away really impressed (he'd never heard them before but became an instant fan).