I am also on the side of friendship and not romance for Stefan and Caroline. And if a resurrection was going to stick I would selfishly want Alaric but for the other characters' sakes prefer Bonnie or Jeremy.
I am also on the side of friendship and not romance for Stefan and Caroline. And if a resurrection was going to stick I would selfishly want Alaric but for the other characters' sakes prefer Bonnie or Jeremy.
Eh, I can accept that Elena got a quick first shot in when she stabbed her in the gut and that weakened Katherine just enough (plus Elena shoving her into the hot pipes). The fight was 15 seconds; Kat would have gotten the upper hand if it had gone on any longer. Sometimes you just have to get the first shot in. It's…
I guess I will be in the minority and agree with Carrie that this was a really good episode. I thought it was a more effective use of the dead than in "Ghost Town." Bonnie was spectacular this episode, basically owning Katherine, and it was disturbing to see her get overconfident in the end — she clearly wants Jeremy…
This episode had so much going for it. I was all giddy!
—The Elena/Katherine interactions were pure gold on both sides. Nina Dobrev is a goddess. Elena was perfect all night actually, especially her very deliberate killing of an innocent at the end. It was horrific and proof that she needs to be stopped (I can't wait…
I think the basic point about the "switch" is that it allows you to suppress most emotions, like pain, guilt, fear, love, compassion, etc. What you're left with are basic needs and instincts. Elena is operating right now on the need to feed, and the urge to take pleasure, but part of that is because she's using those…
I would kill to have Tatia show up (although that might kill poor exhausted Nina). It would be amazing to see her play yet another character, and I would LOVE to see her interactions with Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Katherine, and Elena.
Fair, but I guess I don't see why she *would*. They were never actually friends, at least not from Elena's perspective. From Rebekah's they were, which is why she has been going after her with such a vengeance since the daggering. But from Elena's perspective, they hashed that out (in 3x15 I believe) before Elena even…
—Elena's bluntness is magical. It makes me laugh that anyone would suggest she is like Katherine like this. She's herself, just with no compassion-influenced tact filter and a coldly rational mind that isn't influenced by concern for anyone else's feelings. If anything she's rather like Damon, which is why watching…
Eh, considering Rebekah came to town to help Klaus terrorize and potentially kill them all, and post-daggering tried to kill Elena multiple times, almost got totally innocent Matt killed by siccing Kol on him, and then ACTUALLY killed Elena (and almost killed Matt AGAIN in the process), I really don't think Elena owes…
Well, Elena and Jeremy's main concern in the Kol situation was a) to save Jeremy's life and b) to stop Klaus from turning any more humans into vampires. So the pragmatic view to solve both those was to kill Kol and his vampire line. Which is incredibly dark, but in comparison to the outcome of Dead Jeremy/lots of new…
I feel like I was expecting so many things this episode: for the cure to be fake, for there only to be one dose, for Tyler to die, for Jeremy and/or Bonnie to die…I thought there was nothing I wasn't prepared for. And yet, when Jeremy's neck snapped, I was still shocked. I really appreciate how even when the show is…
Thanks. I mean, I really admire the way the show manages to continually up the stakes for the characters, and I feel like they're trying to tie all these themes of control together this season (and I've liked/loved at least half the episodes this season: 4x02, 4x05, 4x06, 4x07, 4x08, 4x09, 4x12), but it's just not…
I don't agree with this "Mary Sue" thing. And I thought Elena struggled more with it than Caroline did actually. She only got it under control after Damon took her hunting at the college, and then obviously once she was able to drink from blood bags. Which makes sense for her personality seeing as her biggest fear…
On the one hand I think it would make sense for Damon to say he misses being human but also to be aware that he's changed so much that it doesn't make sense at this point to go back to being human. And if that's where the show is going (and if it applies the same lessons to Stefan, Elena, and Rebekah) I think it could…
I liked the concept of both the cure and the sire bond, but like I said, I feel like the cure should have waited a season, until Elena's transition had fully developed (although maybe that would have defeated the purpose of looking for one anyway, as far as her character/the triangle is served).
I almost wonder if the cure storyline happened a season or two too soon. It feels like a last-season plotline. And to pile the sire bond on top of it, plus Shane manipulating Bonnie and the Hunter's Mark manipulating Jeremy, just feels like too many characters are being led astray by outside forces, and I need the…
To me it's just a growth thing. When Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, etc. were all human and knew nothing of vampires and weren't in life-or-death situations and having to choose between saving family and friends and saving others, they were all a lot more good and moral. Now they have killer vampires like Kol and Klaus…
A Team Mystic Falls plan truly working for once was so miraculous I just had to register and comment (they've always kind of halfway worked, or worked for a minute and gotten screwed up later in the past, really — and not just poor Elena's plans!). I love when the show dips into the horror movie tropes, and Kol versus…