Julie Delpys Lipstick

If by "Brits" you mean "humans".

Strummer was one of the greatest rock singers ever, but Winstone's vocals are more than passable.

"Occasional late-night TV showings"—you mean when Night Flight would show it four times in one weekend and I would watch every single time? It's impossible to overstate how much this movie meant to me as a teenage girl who wanted to make music more than anything, but thought she couldn't. It literally changed my life.

That guy was the reason I quit TWoP. He was much fonder of the sound of his own voice than of the show. Then the one time I posted a comment in the forums he immediately deleted it. Fuck that guy.

Pretty good!

Star what now?

I'm just skimming Newswire articles as I shovel yogurt down my throat and pretend it's a satisfying lunch, and I have nothing interesting to say about this, but I feel compelled to comment anyway.

I went to one of the conventions in New York in the '70s. I can never remember exactly which year, but I think it was '77, so I would have been 12. I know that production of ST:TMP was underway, because they talked about that. Anyway, it was the last time the entire original cast appeared together at an event, so

Ditto, but I feel compelled to point out that McKee is much more than "the frontwoman for the '80s cowpunk act Lone Justice". Lone Justice was great, but anybody who loves this kind of music and hasn't listened to McKee's solo output is doing themselves a great disservice.

Pedantry alert: "A seraphim" is grammatically incorrect, as "seraphim" is plural. The singular is seraph. I know the character actually uses it as a singular, but it's still wrong.

Floor tix for L.A.! God loves a Jersey girl.

I remember when this was released—I wanted to see it, but it wasn't playing anywhere in New Jersey, so I had to go into Manhattan. I'd been hanging out in the City for a couple years at that point, but mostly in scuzzy punk joints in Alphabet City or in what was then the garbage-strewn wasteland of SoHo. I was bookish

It's not a coincidence that the two constantly vie in my head for the title of Greatest Album Ever.

The admiration was mutual, as well it should be.

I'm pretty sure it's Wendy as in Wendy Darling. Certainly makes sense given the record's themes.

An absolutely captivating film, and one of my favorites as well (though I was definitely not a child when it came out…).

Last weekend I floated the Sandy River with my new lady friend. It was lovely. She's a biologist and knows about nature and shit, so she kept pointing out all of these birds—egrets, terns, sandpipers, a magnificent pair of ospreys. There were even some impossibly adorable ducklings paddling alongside us for a while! I

I'm late to this party, but no one has mentioned Nikki Lane. Motherfucking Nikki Lane, y'all.

You got my name wrong, yet somehow I was summoned anyway. And what I have to say about this is: Does this mean I have to be interested in superhero movies now?

Hmm…I've never thought that Sarah Polley looks like Uma Thurman. Ever Carradine is the one I can't tell apart from Uma Thurman.