Julie Delpys Lipstick

I'm a proud Beth. Beths are not boring, goddammit!

I also love the book and I adore Ms. Polley. Honestly, reading this gave me more joy than an entertainment news tidbit probably should.

Alias: inferior drama, superior wiggery.

I was confused by that contention. Isn't Shakespeare the undisputed ruler of literature in English?

The wound-licking scene managed to be tender and disgusting in equal measure. And yes, the film is more upfront about the necrophilia than the novel, but interestingly places it immediately after Cathy's death rather than having Heathcliff dig up her corpse later on. (Although the film does include the

Coincidence! This had been sitting on my DVR for almost a year, and I finally actually watched it on Sunday. I found it enthralling. I was pretty much on board as soon as I heard genuine Yorkshire accents instead of the generic "British accent" we've been trained to expect, but overall it was such a treat to see a

I don't want to egg you on, but I think you're right.

The mere fact that Hollywood finds it acceptable to cast her as an ugly and fat anything is enough to make me boycott this movie. The fact that it looks super shitty just makes it that much easier.

"On tonight's Sexy in Secaucus, a brawl erupts over whether it's 'sih-KAW-kis' or 'SEE-kaw-kis'."

I saw Corin and her daughter shopping the clearance rack at Target the other night. And not just any Target, the Mall 205 Target, clearly the most déclassé Target in Portland. I'm gonna admit, it put the slightest dent in my excitement to see S-K in May.

I don't have the heart to argue, especially since I don't really disagree with you. It's like arguing spaghetti vs. linguini.* They're both delicious and fill you up with pasta-y goodness! It may simply be that I find FT the more effective and affecting film because I was 17 when I saw it, and nearly 30 when I saw D&C.

Hey, no fair going back and adding more to your post, especially when Disqus is being a bitch and not letting me edit mine.

OK then! We'll just have to agree to disagree, and also that you are wrong.

I love the Before trilogy so, so much. You should watch them. If they don't give you ALL THE FEELINGZ, you can be assured that Linklater is not for you. And also that you have no soul.

I adore Dazed and Confused, but no way is it better than Fast Times. If nothing else, Fast Times is more ambitious. It aims both higher and lower than D&C, and succeeds in hitting both targets.

This is awesome, Katie! I fucking love the Shangri-Las and am always happy to come across someone who feels the same. The comparison of Mary Weiss (whose voice I once described, in a piece for a long-forgotten music blog, as an "eternally heartbroken wail") to Levi Stubbs was unexpected but totally apt. Thanks, this

I am also a Rutgers alumna. AND I was born at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. AND…that's all I got.

I was surprised that the writer got through the piece without mentioning that. It seems to come up anytime the film is discussed.

Interesting. For me he's the weak link in the cast. I feel like he's overplaying everything, especially when he's opposite Washington, who gives such a reserved performance.

This is one of those movies I'll watch any time it shows up on TV. Not because it's especially great, but because I'm strangely fascinated by anything involving women in the military, particularly in combat situations. I say "strangely" because I never remotely considered joining the military myself, as I chafe under