Julie Delpys Lipstick

I'd like to add my—no, wait. I'd like to subtract her—shit, no.

Aww. That's definitely the first time a reposted Amazon customer review has made my heart hurt a little. Even if I'm not entirely sure what "gutsy resonance" is.

Definitely arguable, but what's not is that Cocker had a gift for interpreting others' material.

The smooth drum fills on "Something" really complement George's lead work. Those two elements make that song for me.

"Two of Us" is a wonderful song that could easily be an album centerpiece for any number of indie folk outfits.

Any song that makes me think of Muppets dancing with wild abandon (or abdomen, if you want to get your literary Lennon on) cannot be bad.

For me the sitar worked precisely once, on "Norwegian Wood".

That sentence was almost as boring as the song.

Sorry, the category is worst song.

"Ticket to Ride" is the one I always come back to. The arrangement on that song is so great in general. I love the interplay between the guitars, one playing chiming arpeggios and the other droning single notes. (Harrison and Lennon, respectively? I honestly don't know, although I know Paul does the little lead

The "Ringo was a crappy drummer" thing is arguably the most tired—and unfounded—trope in popular music discourse.

OK, as long as we're clear on the reason.

You mean the one where we learn that Page is actually a spy for another communist nation? China Girl?

Oh, so I post a "Ha! You're wrong!" comment 13 minutes earlier, but you respond to this one? Is this because I'm a lesbian?

Me too. I'm just not ready for another season of the reviewer failing to properly pluralize "Jennings". One Jennings, two or more Jenningses. Not that hard.

She does know about it. While telling him how much she loves him, she specifically mentioned that she even loves his "toupée".

When my ex and I went to Père Lachaise, we had to see Morrison's grave, just because it was A Thing. The atmosphere was dismal. It wasn't even fun in a cheesy way. Then we went to Wilde's grave and found exactly the atmosphere (beautiful, doomed romanticism) we were seeking. We picnicked there and then took a nap. I


Nina never looks not hot.

When does Elisha Cuthbert get a show? I'll even settle for a holiday special that's just an hour of her grinding on Hip-Hop Santa.