Danny Husk

Christmas Suite is my favorite christmas song ever.  It plays on loop in my house all December, with occasional breaks for Cross Country Skiing and Right to the Minute. 

Just need to carve out a little time.

What no one's mentioning is that it's basically a really beautiful episode of Fringe.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus It is a very long book, and the chapters are quite long without a lot easy breaks for shorter reading. But I don't know that that should stop you.

You should look into The Recognitions by William Gaddis.  My favorite book from the mid-century (and possibly all time), followed by Augie March.

Suttree, finally.  Best read while on a fishing trip with nothing but whiskey and cheap beer.  Currently in the middle of The Crossing.

I like Kids in the Hall.

Y Tu Mamá También is one of my top 10 favorite films, and yet I can't stand Sandra Bullock.  Not sure what to do here.  Maybe it's all done in a single take in which Clooney watches Bullock spin off into space for 100 minutes?  I'd probably watch that.

"You're not making christianity better, you're making rock music worse"
- Hank Hill

I found the same thing when I spent some time in Germany (and a little bit in France).  All the fat germans in the town I was living in had a nice firmness to their fat.  Like taught, round bellies.  They eat a lot of heavy food, drink a lot (a lot) of beer, but spend so much time outside.  The entire country is

"Welcome to Itchy and Scratchyland, where nothing can possib-lie go wrong. Uh, possibLY go wrong. That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong."

I bought one of those BB/pellet guns that look just like a pistol (all black, metal) from Walmart when I was 17, despite their policy being 18+.  The lady even asked me if I was 18, so I said "yeah", then she let me buy it.  Later, I shot my friend in the hand with it while we ran around the woods shooting at each

That's next week.

I've been kidnapped.  Didn't you hear?

I'm in Minneapolis right now.  Not much happening.  Still very cold in the mornings. Some good restaurants.  It's alright.

That's a pretty good streak, as far as streaks go. 

You are correct.  That is one of my favorite songs as well.  Also, "Gingerale Afternoon" (off Hit to Death).

The first time I saw him perform I didn't even know who he was.  He was opening for someone else I don't even remember now.  It was at a small club in Minneapolis ca.2001.  Just him alone on a stage singing about ghosts with a red lights projecting on him.  It was amazing.  Then a friend put Captain Badass on a mix CD

Your weekly Criterion purchases are inspiring me to stop wasting money on stupid stuff and start doing the same.  Playtime needs getting.  Badlands is coming out next month and Medium Cool later in the spring.  I'm sure there was something else high up on my list.

Shit. I should probably stop dragging my poor feet and just buy it then.