
I actually don't believe that w/ Jessica given the talent involved. Even the predictable ending of this episode was done with a bit of suspense, as Annie was understanding of Stuart's concerns and gave him another chance, despite the spying. This was believable. Stuart's insecurities predictably did him in at the end,

Who the guy hawking them?

She didn't tell him because they weren't that close and it was the second date and he hadn't even kissed her and they were still talking about Braveheart and golfing. It's believable because some people don't like letting people in that early. It was clearly a current discovery by her, which was why she was not

By directly asking her, or gently confronting.her about the phone. Stuart is unsuccessful because he is paranoid about taking a leap without a familiar outcome, so he pussyfoots here (even though this always makes things worse). If there's one thing women (and men) are suspicious of and turned off by, it's that. He