
Throttle sounds less like a douchebag and more like he's just completely pathetic. He says he's being "GGG" (a phrase I am slowly growing to hate), but really he's just doing whatever his psycho girlfriend tells him. I mean he must have known how loud she was being, but heaven forbid he ask her to quiet down. Sure

Any time I meet a flirty "party girl" type, I worry that she'll turn out to be one of these people. My fear of getting played may or may not be rational, but I wonder how much fun I've missed out on because of it.

The age thing might also have been a factor. I don't think it's an accident that she explicitly mentioned both their ages. She may have thought that because he was younger and "so sweet" he'd form some sort of boyish crush on her. Obviously he was old enough to pull one over on her though.

I think it's so that when bring him back next season they don't have to waste time introducing him. I mean, the Wildlings are practically at the Wall so it would be a little silly to interrupt the climactic battle to say "by the way, here's this king guy we mentioned earlier."

I've always suspected as much. He has far more overlap with the onion house style than pretty much any other AVer.

So it's actually scary?

Seriously, GFT you have no business accusing other people of being the condescending ones.

And here I thought the problem was too many plot points DID get wrapped up. The second half of Storm of Swords is crazy with loose end tying. Robb's rebellion, Tyrion's attempts to be a good Lannister, Dany's march on Meereen (and her relationship with Jorah), the Wildling invasion, Sansa's long promised

I actually never minded Dany's inaction in Dance. What the hell is she supposed to do? Let her dragons ravage Mereen? Leave her subjects to get butchered by the Yunkai? She's spent the whole series up to this point fighting for a throne and now that she has it she's determined to be a good ruler but doesn't quite know

What? The Brienne and Cersei chapters are my favorite parts!

Yeah the biggest problem with Feast and Dance seems to be that they return to the slower pace of the first novel. After two books of HOLY FUCK I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED it can be hard to break the habit of blitzing forward to see what comes next. The problem is these books are not suited to quick reads. Like

He IS doing his best to finish the series. Not only are his books much longer than most novels, they're also much more intricately designed. Keeping that kind of consistency and interconnectedness is HARD. We've seen what happens when he pushes a book out before it's ready. It was called A Feast for Crows and people

Yeah, in the books it's supposed to be one of if not the biggest castle in Westeros. A monument to Harren's hubris so massive that even dragonfire couldn't destroy it completely. In the show it's just a courtyard and some plaster set pieces.

Countdown to book reader bitching about Dany spending too long in Slaver's Bay in 3… 2… 1…

You know, these digs about how long he takes get pretty old after a while. You try writing a thousand page book in a quick and timely manner.

I caught the first season on netflix (all they have… boo) and liked it a lot. Plus it was nice to finally know what my friend in middle school was talking about. It's got a great Western/Ronin wandering hero vibe and it's much more adult friendly than Dexter's Lab, Gendy's other show from that era. Check it out.

Plus it has some of the best TV art and animation around. It's not all hurky jerky like Samurai Jack could be (I love the stylized pop-up-book look, but it's obviously compensating for a tiny animation budget) and, unlike Justice League the characters aren't all limited to the same three body types (huge guy, skinny

There are definitely skipable filler episodes scattered throughout, but I would suggest just watching straight through. It's quite heavily serialized for a kids' show and there are a lot of cool callbacks in later episodes that won't make any sense if you skip ahead.

There's weaker bits scattered throughout the first season. I think someone at Nickelodeon thought it was was important that the kids learn "lessons" so every now and then the action will stop well some moral is laid out. "The Great Divide" being the most notable offender, but even that episode has a great twist at the

They might have also been poking fun at the first season of Avatar. The kids fly from one pole to the other but changing hemispheres doesn't seem to effect the seasons at all.