
Yeah who cares what dorks on the internet think about these guys? I hate when reviews focus on the cultural impact of a band instead of just talking about the music. Plus assuming that people coming to read a music review will already have a strong opinion about the band is a great way to turn off anyone who doesn't.

Yeah 12OM (as the kids call it) was just unbearable.

Right cause beady eyes and triangle torsos are a sign of quality.

It could be a lot of fun as long A) they acknowledge how stupid the premise is and B) there is absolutely no involvement from the real Mike Tyson.

Not if he went with the goddawful Superman/early Justice League art. That shit was reprehensible.

Me too, but I wouldn't count on it.

Didn't he also push his mother down the stairs? Or was the Drederick Tatum? I forget.

Also, for some reason we apparently think it's hilarious when British people act like pricks (see also Simon Cowell and the lady for Weakest Link).

It's mostly fake anyway. The restaurants are real, but the owners are encouraged to play up the drama for the cameras (sometimes you can see them "acting" just by their body language), the footage is manipulated so the food will look gross in the beginning and then great once Ramsay has "fixed" it, and the customers

That's just his TV persona. In real life he's a warm, soft-spoken chap with a tweed jacket and sophisticated Oxbridge accent.

After years of hearing how great community is, I finally caught an episode… the awful Christmas one. There should be a law against wasting Malcolm McDowell like that.

I don't know, TNY has this whole hipper than thou attitude that really gets on my nerves. I get that they think New Yorkers are the most sophisticated people in the world, but do they have to rub it in my face every article? Also their cartoons are rarely funny.

I respect what he does, but it's not really for me. I've never been a big fan of slice of life stories or non-fictiony "musings." He's a good writer, but a lot of his subject matter strikes me as either contrived or just sort of dull.

By Sam Adams, Noah Cruickshank, Mike D'Angelo, and A.A. Dowd

This is why you shouldn't marry your mom.

I had the same reaction. ZD has all these affected cutesy mannerisms that I find insufferable. Apparently the show is good now, but I just can't see myself wanting to watch it.

I just want to know what Agent Coulson is doing with five college students.

I've heard some real doozies over the years from teachers that should know better. Hearing the old bullshit "Wizard of Oz is a metaphor for contemporary politics" argument from my 11th grade history teacher was bad enough, but a couple years later I got to listen to an English department head make one of the most

I saw like two episodes. Somehow the characters were even more annoying than actual theater types.

I don't know, getting cast as Aging Action Star #5 or whatever seems like it would be really disheartening for a working actor.