
I worked at Home Depot for three months and our monthly mandatory all-staff meetings were held at 6am on a Sunday.

He also directed last season's "Guest".

I was born in '88 and I love that movie. It's not unreasonable to think that maybe Kevin or Laurie were fans and shared it with their kids. Pretty sure I watched it on cable with my mom in middle school. (Heavily edited, of course. I've since watched it properly.)

I don't remember it running for a long time in my area, but it got burned in my brain from popping up on most of my MST3K episodes I taped off the SciFi Channel. (I wasn't good about cutting out commercials.)

People really think "The Post-Modern Prometheus" is awful? That's always been one of my favorites. O_O

Has he ever given a reason for removing it from his resume? That seems kind of extreme. Couldn't he just say he's not proud of it and leave it at that?

I like both Community and Big Bang Theory. They're funny for different reasons.