Wet Blanket

Superman: Fighting for truth, justice and the American Way, which of course includes subtle product placement by 7-11.

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus , episode recaps on this site (and many others) are basically supposed to be conversation starters. They're just to draw people who've seen the show and want to discuss it into the comments section. Considering the articles have to be dashed off as quickly as possible

You have to put this whole scene in terms of late 60s sexual politics, not the current (and *extremely* different) climate.

Also Obama's secretary is named Katie Johnson.. And Lyndon B Johnson's secretary was an Irishwoman named Rosie O'Bama!

Methinks channeling Gus Van Sant instead of David Lynch turned out to be a wise move.

I'll give him the pass, but he certainly is abusing it.

I really can't get a handle on Rob Reiner. On one hand he directed two my favorite movies ever (Princess Bride and Spinal Tap, of course) as well as a bunch of quite respectable films like Stand By Me and Harry Met Sally. And he seemed like he was on the ball with All in the Family and some of his guest appearances,

SNL certainly has a history of wasting the potential of its black performers, but I think Garret Morris just wasn't up to the task. I'm sure he's a really talented guy but he was just a terrible fit. He just didn't have the presence the show needed and he came across as a lot older, more conservative and uptight than

Maybe you don't remember, D, but you did spend some 27 years in San Pedro.

Is Mads a supporting actor? That's odd, considering the show's named after him.

Episode 1:  A ghost catches Pac Man and quite literally sucks the life force out of him. He has no other "lives" or "men." This cartoon is over.

Gary Shandling was a frequent (and popular) guest host of the Tonight Show and probably could have been Carson's replacement if he wanted to. I have the feeling Larry Sanders is pretty much straight-up what that would have been like.

More like Kelly Pinch, right guys?

wtf is magic city lol

I think he's kind of our generation's Christopher Walken. He's one-note because he hits that note so well, not for a lack of talent.

To be fair, currently that means most people age 45 and under.

Is the joke here that John Cusack is warging into John Malkovich? If it is, bravo. If it wasn't and I'm the one who just came up with that, bravo me.

The only Superman movie I could possibly stand to watch at this point would be one where he travels the world busting other countries' asses until they accept Truth, Justice and The American Way.

Yes, it all lined up to be the perfect storm but— this is a TV drama, so you tend to see the extremes in the character's lives. It's a pretty safe assumption that there were more times Don could have been caught but wasn't, or that Sally and friend just giggled about boys through the night and nothing came of it. We

Speaking of the Lying Game, I swear that middle chick up there is really a dude.