
She was trying to help Jenna out. She wanted her to say Denna to try and get her vote.

No. It's Redemption Island. That is the worst. Other shitty season at least have funny bad game play/moments. RI had Russell getting voted out which even the RI twist took some of the fun out of. And if your a Boston Rob fan they gave him a million dollars.

No the best part of throwing a challenge is Fairplay going to raid the other camp and bragging that the only immunity that Morgan won was because they threw it.

I . . . I know who he is . . . *hangs head in shame*

Since only two guys voted for Julie I don't think that's what happened.

She had a good episode but let's be real. Rocker got voted out because he showed he was untrustworthy to his alliance, he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, and had an idol.


Agree but I also think it showed he has a more level head than that some of the scenes we saw. Also, though the edit is pushing him as the leader of the alliance clearly he deferred to what the women wanted.

I gave a shit. I thought it was funny.

Who else get really excited when they didn't show any voting confessionals? I was like "Oh boy! Here comes a clusterfk!" I was not disappointed.

DVR baby! I had to watch it twice to be sure of what I saw.

But Jeremy and the girls all voted together for Drew.

If it had that I might actually get it.

During the later half of the episode I was giggling way to much.

"I can't tell if Drew is really trying to lose the challenge or if he legitimately can't remember the rules."

PSA: Don't forget to pre-order you're Survivor: Nicaragua DVD set!

*angrily shakes fist* Why are you rubbing salt in my wounds!

I was unaware there was such a thing as a 'casual Community viewer'.

Never heard of this guy. I already don't care about his show.

Funny with the streets behind reference. Wheelchair is what I need to hear for that to make sense. However, I'm unlikely to watch a show about football.