chicken dance


I still think that's what did in Bunheads and the Bitch in 23.

I didn't believe you, so I had a look. It is every bit as twee as described.

The only way it makes sense at all is if there's a twist involved. Otherwise it's just mean and strange.

It was news to me too.

All through these reviews I wanted to tell you how much I truly enjoyed your commentary but I never quite worked up the nerve, so … it's kind of late, but today I'm working up the nerve. It was a pleasure reading your posts.

Oh ok, you were joking - sorry.

Wow really?

Maybe because they're all busy being pursued by demons and plagues?

He didn't wake up all skin and bones, he was perfectly preserved - why is it so hard to believe that whatever magic juju kept him fresh extended to his clothing as well?

Plus I would think this "more comments" system is killing their ad revenue, since nobody has to load a new page anymore.

Ah, thanks for explaining.

I'll ignore it, but they're too close together - it's only a matter of time before I accidentally click it and I have to slink off and change my name.

Better to have a good roommate than a good story, probably.

I've been avoiding looking at the right side of the screen for days now.

Yes, I was wondering why it felt so airless to me - I think that's why. 

Okay then, I'll make a point of reading and posting.

Oh yes it could.

Even the people who actually liked it can't muster up any real praise.  "It was not as awful as I thought it would be."  "I can really see myself watching it again."  "I met Robin Williams once and he's a nice guy." 

Alyssa Milano when she was that age, maybe?  Someone on a soap opera about ten years ago?  It was driving me crazy.