Low in moral fiber -- high in

Revenge of the Sith is better than one film, which was also directed by lucas. Everything else is better than that horrible horrible pos.

Revenge of the Sith is better than one film, which was also directed by lucas. Everything else is better than that horrible horrible pos.

His punch lines are not easy. He's the best one-liner comic in recent memory. Perhaps, you think they are easy as a cover for being real-offended…

If that episode doesn't get picked for the best episode of the year christmas episode, I'm going to cut someon

If that episode doesn't get picked for the best episode of the year christmas episode, I'm going to cut someon

Anyone who doesn't recognize Scott's brilliance on CBB is a moron who can only see the surface of things. He leads the bits, sets up the punch lines, and challenges improvisers. It's pretty obvious, if you aren't an idiot.

Anyone who doesn't recognize Scott's brilliance on CBB is a moron who can only see the surface of things. He leads the bits, sets up the punch lines, and challenges improvisers. It's pretty obvious, if you aren't an idiot.

Preservation Hall is a shitty tourist trap
Jazz is alive and well — just, not in preservation hall. The show I saw there was the worst of my trip. The band just seemed bored, stiff, and tired. The other tourists ate it up, though, enthusiastically cheering lame renditions of standards that your average street musician

I failed at my first first attempt, sigh.

I wonder what the first…
obstruction will be.

Leaving Las Vegas Elisabeth Shue…
partially forms my ideal womanly form. God damn her body was fantastic. I've masturbated to her many, many times.

Roll initiative: I roll a 15 and Wolf Blitzed rolls a 9
Round 1: I put on my +5 gauntlets of fire. Wolf B makes a shitty firstie.
Round 2: I punch Wolf B in the face, rolling a 20, then a 15 to confirm the critical. The punch separates Wolf B's head from his body.

Howard the Predator

I never really got into Preacher, but the Boys is my most treasured title in my pull. It can be uneven, but its the best comics satire I've ever read.

The big-O is not asexual, she just realized the futility of a famous person of her wealth ever having a long term relationship that didn't end with acrimony and a multi-m(b?)illion divorce settlement.

I might actually watch this…
… and this would be the first award show I've watched in years. Done well, it could be pretty entertaining.

Is it just me, or does KelseyLive.com
create one of the most promising opportunities for trolling in years?

This tweet made me almost laugh:

Oh, how I hate that Flo

Actually, if you're a part of the current administration you are a Nazi Maoist.