What's wrong with being sleazy? It's a little unsettling and perhaps unsavory, but at least he's not a manipulative narcissistic asswipe. He's a standard-issue vanilla sleaze.
What's wrong with being sleazy? It's a little unsettling and perhaps unsavory, but at least he's not a manipulative narcissistic asswipe. He's a standard-issue vanilla sleaze.
What in the holy fuck
Happened to Paul Kinsey? He was one of my favorite characters. I know he wasn't brought along to SCDP, but then we've seen Cosgrove and Duck and Freddie.
I don't know about "in no way Dexter's fault." From every other character's perspective it wasn't, but both Dexter and the audience know that he is indirectly responsible for the death of both of their parents
If Dexter was married to Rita, chances are he legally adopted the kids, in which case the grandparents wouldn't have legal recourse would they?
I like Quinn well enough. It helps me to read his suspicion as fueled by a personal vendetta (dirty cop, all that shit last season, rabble rabble) as opposed to "pure" Doakes-level suspicion. To me at least, it's the only way it makes sense.
What I want to know is why Quinn is so goddamned suspicious. Why is he starting to become so convinced that this Kyle Butler character could be Dexter? I mean, the sketches (put together correctly) do look sort of like him, but still
But hell, I agree, 3 was the weakest start Dexter's ever had. I'd rank the premieres as
Yeah, in retrospect, season 3 was a fairly solid season (more consistent than 4 I think). Season 4 was far more thrilling/suspenseful, but not as good I think. The problem was, the Prado-Dexter relationship was actually well-drawn for a stretch of 5 or so episodes (I think around 6 or 7-11), but the Skinner story was…
Fuckin Batista-Laguerta
Secret bank account, random cholo Angel beats the shit out of. I was hoping we'd see Weller or Stiles or at least get a kill. And the FBI "We know you were at Arthur Mitchell's house," was the biggest fucking cocktease.
Hallelujah isn't really that sad of a song.
Yeah, Dexter was tracked down, but ultimately lucked out against an ex-Special Forces operative, evades suspicion by the FBI's leading serial killer tracker, and now a halfwit pretty boy detective hires a washed up private dick to track Dexter…the suspense is killing me, I tell you.
@ illogicaljoker
How does the first quarter of the season play out? With Dexter, as with many other shows, it's usually a little slow. Has Pete Weller come in yet? Do the, what is it, 5 or so new guest actors they've signed do anything to compensate for the weak supporting cast? Is Quinn just the poor man's Doakes? I'm genuinely…
I'm with you Todd. Much as I love Mike Hall, I'm not sure I like the American model of stretching out and running a show into the ground. Lost is a great example-season 2 and most of 3 it was about as fast-paced as a daytime soap, and it wasn't until too late that they finally realized that it's hard to stretch a show…
Yeah, they never reveal all their cards in the trailer. Much less the sketch of the ENTIRE season. What we've seen, from the trailer, can't be from more than the first few episodes. I just want to be a little surprised, and I really do hope they don't backpedal and stagnate. This looks like the strongest opening for…
Glad to see
That the season doesn't suck. Forced continuity! Consequences! Awesome, awesome. Looks like a much stronger opening than last season's (and the year before's). Should be a good season. Fuckin' A, when does PETE WELLER come in?