
Awww, how come Illinois is Martin?

Thank you. I was initially thinking "dirigible-sized" but thought it might be a bit unrealistic.

I GET it now! The Jews DIDN'T like the holocaust and were SCARED of it! Oh man, that picture has really cleared up the human emotions involved by including a cartoon pony.

*draws fanart of highly-sexualized AV Club website taking the full force of a bukkake session*

It's like going into the long grass. you know there are velociraptors in there, but ya just can't help it.

Stop bringing horses into everything!

Her eyes in that picture…they…they stare into the darkest parts of my memories….

I see it now: Setting - 2013 - Canada is so angry that no Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup in 20 years that, right before another win by an American team, they feel compelled to invade through upper North Dakota (the last place anyone would ever care to look, or be located in) to stop the final playoff game and

Thank you for that mention @pointforward:disqus, becasue due to that off-handed non-sequitur I was forced to go to Obama's wikipedia page to see where he had all his degrees from, and through that learned that his half-sister studied German in college, in Germany.

True, @avclub-152d284f09f019baf5bd08e6f41dd2d4:disqus, If Martin pulls a King and just makes shit up as he goes along for books 6 and 7 I'll be angry. But I'll also be angry and bitter that he takes his sweet time with writing.

What are they gonna do @avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus? Throw sheep at us? Or the bees? Or they sheep with bees in their mouths so that when they baaa they shoot bees?!

Oh my yes

They also hold the record for best start to a season ever. And according to this article, http://www.cbssports.com/nh…, it won't happen again for 700 years.

The movie, or the planet?

I always heard beak. Which made sense to me, since his name is Birdman, even though he doesn't really have a beak (except as euphemism for nose).

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

And if my aunt had a dick she'd be my uncle and so forth. Seriously man, that's a terrible fucking argument.

Poehler?! I hardly KNOW 'er!

Zis is the part of Eh-Fee Klub vere ve dance.

Who's the man in the suit?